Movers & Shakers

Want to become the next “Movers & Shakers’ of the world?

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We come across inspirational movies, articles, blogs, books that strike a chord within us. One feels emotionally connected to the character or feels inspired enough to become the same. It makes us want to follow those subjects, get inspired by them, apply their principles in our day-to-day lives and excel at everything that we do. These subjects or characters are usually called the Game Changers or the Movers & Shakers of the society.

What is it that they have & we don’t? What inspires them and motivates them? Each of these heroes possesses a different set of qualities that defines their persona and image. Some are stubborn or introvert while others are vocal or gritty. In addition to these traits, they have qualities that are unique to them, their way of thinking or having a different outlook towards handling a tough situation. Something that just cannot be cut, copied or pasted.

These amazing leaders are defined by their backstage struggle, their refusal to bow down in times of failures, their much talked about success and everlasting winning streak. Young or old, poor or rich, introvert or extrovert, they have one or all of the following qualities that describes their success.

  1. Character building

What quality differentiates us from one another? The answer is character. Good or bad, rude or stubborn, emotional or realistic, passive or aggressive, honest or insincere, these are the few character traits that are embedded deep down within us.

In today’s world of artificial beauty and addiction to social network, qualities such as loyalty, respect, faith, intelligence, nobility, wisdom are overshadowed. World leaders live a different life. Instead of mixing with the crowd, they believe in standing out. Instead of dreaming about fame and fortune, they believe in championing the art.

So one should recognize their own worth, strengths and weaknesses. The strengths should be molded and honed while weaknesses must be mastered. Creating a balance between mind, body and soul is the key factor for character building.

  1. Finessing the art

We all lead a similar life. Birth, childhood, adolescence, education, marriage, kids. What sets us apart from one another is the profession. We all possess unique and special qualities. Recognizing these traits and mastering them are the deciding factors for a successful professional life.

Failure and success are part and parcel of the professional life. It depends on us how we perceive them. Defeats can become our motivating factor to work harder.

No work is bigger or smaller. Every successful leader has started from the bottom. An individual has a freedom to utilize these initial experiences and train oneself as accurately as possible.

Devotion, dedication and commitment to one’s work are the driving forces that gets us one step closer to success. So devote, dedicate and commit at every small or bigger task at hand and excel in it.

  1. Define and utilize the productive hours

Each of us follow a different working pattern. Some like to work till late while others are productive during early morning hours. The cue is to identify and exploit those hours to the fullest.

As soon as one begins the day, the tasks that ranks the highest in the priority list can be tackled first. We are fully charged and full of creative ideas during these peak hours. However, as the day wears off, tasks that do not require prompt decision making can be completed. Time is money. Hence, each second of the productive hours must be dedicated to work.

Overwork somehow should be avoided and breaks must be taken to recharge and reinforce our energy levels. So plan better, work hard, take breaks and enjoy what you do.

  1. Going against the grain

Former president of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt quotes, “Nothing worth having comes easy.” If one has to reach the unreachable, go beyond the depths of the horizon, then an individual has to take risks, become fearless and live on the edge.

The risks define your grit, limits and never ending thirst for success. Explore and exploit your limits and boundaries to uncover the hidden treasures, reach the unreachable and seize the horizon with both hands.

  1. Plan and execute

The term ‘homework’ is not just applicable for school goings children. Preparation and study of a task or a product beforehand has innumerable rewards. This saves time, energy and shows our dedication to the task at hand.

Leaders, warriors and out of the box thinkers are known to weigh every situation from all possible angles. Listing the pros and cons and drafting plan B and C prior to facing a situation increases our chances to succeed.

  1. Unclogging our mind

The tasks that do does not require our fullest attention or occur last in our priority list, they should be planned in such a way that they reduce our distractions. Routine chores even though essential can be finished through a systemic cascade.

Prioritizing  the work that demands our attention and creativity must be given our absolute focus. Separating the productive tasks from the non-productive ones unclogs our mind and presents us the clarity and vision to move forward.

Becoming a twinkling star is not everyone’s cup of tea. Our society is based on preconceived notions and rules. There are different limits for females and males. It is inflexible and rigid. It takes a Gandhi or Jawaharlal Nehru to redefine freedom. It takes a Savitribai Phule or Malal Yousafzai to have the courage to fight for their gender. It takes a Mark Zuckerberg or Steve Jobs to revolutionize the concept of technology.

These ‘Movers and Shakers’ have absorbed and mastered the above characteristics in every part of their life. To the aspiring leaders, we present a guide to rewrite the pages of history, fight the society, think beyond the obvious, shake the society and create an uproar.

Mrs.Anuja Mulmule
(Content Writer)



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