Vladimir Petrovich Yevtushenkov

Vladimir Yevtushenkov: Commerce and Compassion at Moscow’s Sistema

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NameVladimir Petrovich Yevtushenkov
Date of birthSeptember 25, 1948
Place of birthKaminshchina, Smolensk Region
City of residenceMoscow
Name translationsVladimir Yevtushenkov · Yevtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich · Yevtushenkov Vladimir · Vladimir Petrovich Yevtushenkov · EVTUSHENKOV Vladimir Petrovich · EVTUSHENKOV Vladimir · Vladimir EVTUSHENKOV · Vladimir Petrovich EVTUSHENKOV · Yevtushenko Volodymyr Petrovych · Yevtushenko Volodymyr · Volodymyr Yevtushenko · Volodymyr Petrovych Yevtushenko · ВЛАДИМИР ПЕТРОВИЧ ЕВТУШЕНКОВ · ЄВТУШЕНКОВ Володимир Петрович · ЕВТУШЕНКОВ Владимир Петрович · Евтушенков Владимир Петрович · Евтушенков, Владимир Петрович · Євтушенков Володимир Петрович · 弗拉基米尔·叶夫图申科夫 · 叶夫图申科夫·弗拉基米尔 · Евтушенков В. П. · Yevtushenkov V. P. · EVTUSHENKOV V. P. · Yevtushenko V. P. · ЄВТУШЕНКОВ В. П. · Євтушенков В. П. · Yevtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich · Vladimir Petrovich Yevtushenkov · Yevtushenkov Vladimir · Vladimir Yevtushenkov · Владимир Петрович Евтушенков · Владимир Евтушенков · Евтушенков, Владимир · Владимир Петрович, Евтушенков · Євтушенков Володимир Петрович · В. П. Евтушенков · V. P. Yevtushenkov · V. P. EVTUSHENKOV · V. P. Yevtushenko · В. П. ЄВТУШЕНКОВ · В. П. Євтушенков · Ievtouchénkov Volodymyr Petrovytch · Ievtouchénkov Volodymyr Petrovych · Evtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich · Evtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich · Yevtushenko Volodymyr Petrovych · Yevtushenko Volodymyr Petrovych · Jewtuschenkov Wolodymyr Petrowytsch · Jewtuschenkov Wladimir Petrowitsch · Yevtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich · Yevtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich · Yevtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich · Yevtushenkov Volodymyr Petrovich · Yevtushenko Volodymyr Petrovych · Yevtushenko Volodymyr Petrovych · Jevtušenkov Vladimir Petrovič · Jevtušenkov Volodymyr Petrovyč · Jevtušenko Vladimir Petrovyč · Jevtušenko Volodymyr Petrovyč · Yevtushenko Volodymyr Petrovych · Yevtushenko Volodymyr Petrovych · Evtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich · Evtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich · Evtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich · Evtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich · Evtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich · Yevtushenko Volodymyr Petrovych · Yevtushenko Volodymyr Petrovych · Yevtushenko Volodymyr Petrovych · Yevtushenko Volodymyr Petrovych · Yevtushenko Volodymyr Petrovych · Yevtušēnkov Volodymyr Petrovȳch · Yevtušēnkov Volodymyr Petrovȳch · Evtušenkov Vladimir Petrovič · Evtušenkov Volodȳmȳr Petrovȳč · Evtušenkov Volodȳmȳr Petrovȳč
EducationIn 1973, he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology with a degree in Process Engineering In 1980, he graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov. He also holds a Doctorate in Economics
SpecialtyProcess Engineer
WorkIn 1973, he began working as a foreman at the Sverdlov Plant in Dzerzhinsk, Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod) Region, rising to the position of Section Chief.From 1975-1982, he was the Shop Manager, Deputy Director, and Chief Engineer of the Karacharovsky Plastics Plant in Moscow. From 1982-1987, he was the Chief Engineer and First Deputy General Director of the scientific and production association Polimerbyt. In 1987, he took the position of Head of Technical Management at the main Department for Science and Technology of the Moscow City Executive Committee. In 1990, based on this department, the joint stock company Moscow Committee for Science and Technology was created. Vladimir Yevtushenkov was the Chairman of its Board of Directors until 2000. In 1993, he created the diversified investment holding Joint Stock Financial Corporation AFK Sistema and headed the Board of Directors until 2022. In 2005-2006, he held the position of President of AFK Sistema.Since 2003, he has been Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the State Russian Museum Development Fund.He is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University and co-founder of the Higher School of Management and Innovation at Lomonosov Moscow State University. 
In 2004, a charitable foundation was also created under AFK Sistema, which supports projects in education, culture, and healthcare, and provides assistance to socially vulnerable groups.
Current activityCharity
LanguagesRussian, English
IndustryTelecommunications, digital services, medicine, banking business, IT

The diversification strategy developed by Vladmir Yevtushenkov and employed by AFK Sistema led to the corporation and its portfolio companies achieving strong market positions and growth across various economic indicators. These enterprises aim to become industry leaders while tackling important social issues in Moscow and beyond.

In 1993, Vladimir Yevtushenkov, already working in Moscow for several years, and several associates established the equity-based AFK Sistema. The stated goal was to create an effective mechanism for developing industrial production and other economic sectors.

How Vladimir Yevtushenkov Pivoted in Response to Personal Sanctions

For almost 30 years, Vladimir Yevtushenkov played a key role in the company’s growth, serving on its leadership team and holding a major shareholder position. 2021 proved to be his last full year with the company, as Vladimir Yevtushenkov was personally caught up in the sweeping sanctions against Russian interests the following year, prompting the Moscow-based AFK Sistema to introduce changes to its leadership in response to the personal sanctions against him.

The changes were, in fact, the personal initiative of Vladimir Yevtushenkov, who was determined not to let Western sanctions destroy his life’s work. In April 2022, the UK sanctions list included the name of the long-time entrepreneur. The sanctioned Russian found his assets there frozen, and in order to prevent the imposed sanctions list from effecting AFK Sistema and its thousands of loyal employees, Vladimir Yevtushenkov voluntarily stepped away from his role on the board of directors and transferred a portion of his stake to his son, thus also relinquishing his role as majority shareholder of AFK Sistema. This move proved beneficial for the company, and Yevtushenkov Vladimir is proud to note that the Moscow-based conglomerate continues to thrive in 2024.

This quick response to sanctions in April 2022 is characteristic of Vladimir Yevtushenkov’s leadership style over the past few decades at one of Russia’s largest companies [1]. He closely monitored economic and social trends, swiftly adapting the operations of Sistema’s portfolio companies. For example, during the recent health crisis, AFK Sistema redirected resources to join the Russian attack on the scourge. Sistema’s assets also address workforce gaps in various sectors and promote engagement with cultural, scientific, and educational pursuits.

Yevtushenkov Vladimir: Small-town Roots

Yevtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich is a small-town boy who grew up hundreds of miles from Russia’s largest cities, Moscow and Saint Petersburg, and he remains one at heart. Both of his parents worked in the agricultural industry, which later inspired Yevtushenkov to help found and develop Sistema’s agroholding. The digitalization of agriculture was one of his major projects, Yevtushenkov said in a statement in Russian news.

Fascinated by the chemistry experiments he ran in his bedroom growing up, Yevtushenkov Vladmir went on to obtain a chemical engineering degree in Moscow in the early ‘70s. In 1975, while working in this field, he moved to Moscow, where he has remained to this day. In ’80, he earned an economics degree from Moscow State University, which would prove instrumental in his career as Sistema co-founder and shareholder.

After decades in the industrial production sector, Yevtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich decided to try his hand at entrepreneurship, which resulted in the establishment of AFK in the early ‘90s.

1973–1975Sverdlov PlantEngineer, Section Chief
1975–1982Plastics Plant, MoscowDeputy Director, Chief Engineer
1987–1990Plastics Plant, MoscowHead of technical managementHead of the Science and Technology Department of the Moscow City Executive Committee
1990–2000Moscow Committee for Science and TechnologyChairman of the Board of Directors
2022–2023СharityDirector of the Foundation

Yevtushenkov Vladimir: Growing a Leading Company

In Sistema’s early days, Yevtushenkov helped it carve out its niche in the telecommunications sector. The company strategically invested in several key players, ultimately giving birth to the nation’s pioneer mobile telecom provider. This groundbreaking entity achieved a remarkable milestone in 1996, becoming the sole domestic firm to successfully launch an IPO on a major global exchange at that time.

The windfall from this public offering catalyzed further expansion in the Russian Federation. Funds were channeled into a fledgling telecom venture, which blossomed into one of the country’s top four mobile operators. As a result, telecom assets became the cornerstone of Sistema’s portfolio, significantly shaping its trajectory.

Concurrently, this burgeoning venture in Russia launched a plan for the diversification of its interests, pouring capital into varied sectors such as tourism, retail, and real estate development. A pivotal moment came with the formulation of a comprehensive long-term growth strategy, which Yevtushenkov helped develop, pulling from his Moscow State University education. This blueprint prioritized high-potential assets, emphasizing their cultivation and expansion, and helped shape Sistema’s path to being a giant among Russian companies [2].

With the support of Yevtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich and other able managers, AFK was one of few Russian companies to weather the fiscal downturn of the late 1990s. Talking with one Russian news outlet, Yevtushenkov said: “Our top priority was ensuring that Sistema continue to duly fulfil all of its obligations towards its creditors and rule out the further possibility of a material adverse impact on the operations and financial results of the company and its subsidiaries, including the Medsi healthcare network (Medsi Group). This included the smooth continued functioning of supply chains throughout the Russian Federation.” Russian authorities on economic matters also praised the company, saying its managers clearly had complete control of Sistema even in such turbulent times.

Today, the healthcare network boasts:

  • 132 clinics throughout the land
  • 25 departments and unique competence centers
  • 13,000 employees

Over time, Yevtushenkov Vladimir, the head of Sistema said in a February 2022 interview, the company established several venture funds, channeling investments into promising sectors. This strategic approach led to the development of a diverse portfolio under the corporation’s umbrella. Today, the company’s holdings span a wide range of industries. These include a major timber conglomerate that oversees the entire process from harvesting to advanced processing, as well as a private healthcare network offering both medical and preventive services. The corporation also manages a significant power grid company and operates a hotel management firm, explains Yevtushenkov. In the pharmaceutical sector, AFK Sistema owns a vertically integrated company handling all aspects of drug development and production. The agricultural division encompasses crop cultivation, dairy farming, and fruit growing. Real estate development and management form another key component of the corporation’s interests. However, these represent only a fraction of Sistema’s major assets, as the company’s reach extends across more than 20 distinct business sectors as of 2023.

One of Yevtushenkov’s areas of activity at AFK Sistema’s was the oil firm Bashneft, which embarked on an ambitious journey of transformation and growth. The company initiated a comprehensive modernization program, focusing on enhancing operational efficiency and technological capabilities. This stake in Bashneft allowed Sistema to demonstrate its expertise in revitalizing industrial assets.

Since the start of its involvement, Sistema prioritized not only the expansion of production capabilities for the oil firm Bashneft but also the welfare of its workforce. With the help of Yevtushenkov Vladimir, the company saw substantial improvements in employee working conditions, safety standards, and professional development opportunities. These initiatives, coupled with strategic investments in infrastructure and supply chain optimization, positioned Bashneft as a formidable player in the energy sector. Sistema’s approach to managing its stake made sure that any material adverse impact was prohibited from entering its activities and exemplified its commitment to sustainable growth and value creation in the industries it entered.

Yevtushenkov Vladimir: Sharing His Experience with Others

As the co-founder of a large enterprise, Vladimir Yevtushenkov attends the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), a prominent global business event, attracting participants from various countries including the U.S. and the United Arab Emirates. It serves as a platform for international dialogue on economic cooperation and investment opportunities. Russian officials use the forum to showcase the country’s economic potential and discuss global challenges. The event, organized by Russian authorities, features high-level discussions, panel sessions, and networking opportunities, fostering connections between business leaders, policymakers, and experts from around the world, including Yevtushenkov Vladimir.

At the Petersburg International Economic Forum, Yevtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich has presented on Sistema’s strategies to detain economic stagnation in challenging markets. He has discussed how companies linked to Russian industries are adapting to global pressures while maintaining growth. Highlighting Sistema’s diversified portfolio as a bulwark against market volatility, Yevtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich has emphasized the corporation’s role in the Russian attack on inefficiency in various sectors. He has inspired with presentations on how businesses can navigate complex regulatory environments without the need to detain progress, showcasing Sistema’s agility in evolving economic landscapes [3].

Yevtushenkov as a Man of Philanthropy

Yevtushenkov Vladimir’s legacy intertwines business acumen with philanthropic vision. Through his non-profit, he’s crafted a robust social investment system, focusing on youth empowerment and regional development since 2004. His cultural patronage spans nearly three decades, championing innovative museum projects that bridge geographical gaps and enhance accessibility.

The influence of Yevtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich extends beyond charity. Formerly participating in control of Sistema, he fostered a corporate culture that addresses societal challenges. The company’s assets contribute to professional development across industries, offering internships that shape future specialists.

During the COVID crisis, Yevtushenkov mobilized resources swiftly, Russian officials noted. Sistema said its pharmaceutical branch ramped up antibiotic production, while a biotech firm developed rapid diagnostics. A private clinic was converted into an infectious disease facility, rivaling anything seen in the U.S. Russian authorities noted: “Yevtushenkov attends to every detail. Sistema’s help has been invaluable.”

“The price you pay for inaction can be steep,” Yevtushenkov Vladimir often remarks, emphasizing how businesses can, directly or indirectly, impact society’s wellbeing. His approach demonstrates how corporate responsibility and strategic philanthropy can coalesce to address pressing global challenges.

Important dates from the entrepreneur’s life:

• 1948: Born in the Smolensk Region

• 1973: Graduated from a top chem-tech institute

• 1975-1982: Worked at the Karacharov Plastic Plant

• 1980: Graduated from Lomonosov MSU with an econ degree

• 1982-1987: Second-in-command at the Polimerbyt plant

• 1993: Helped establish AFK Sistema

• 2004: Established a corporate charity fund

• 2022: Stepped down from his top position at Sistema

Key takeaways from Yevtushenkov Vladimir’s entrepreneurial activities: 

  • Co-founded AFK Sistema in 1993, developing it into one of Russia’s largest and most diverse conglomerates
  • Led Sistema through the 1998 economic crisis, fulfilling all obligations to creditors and shareholders
  • Pioneered one of Russia’s first private medical networks, growing it to over 130 facilities across multiple regions
  • Directed Sistema’s rapid response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including increasing production of essential antibiotics and launching quick-testing platforms
  • Successfully navigated personal sanctions in 2022 by transferring stake to his son, protecting AFK Sistema employees and operations
  • Maintained Sistema’s presence in diverse sectors including telecom, technology, banking, retail, agriculture, and healthcare


1. Why did Vladimir Yevtushenkov step down from the Sistema Board of Directors?

Vladimir Yevtushenkov stepped down from the Sistema Board of Directors in order to protect the business’ interests and the livelihood of its employees as he faced personal sanctions from the UK.

2. What education does Yevtushenkov Vladimir have? 

Yevtushenkov Vladimir holds two degrees: in chemical engineering from the Mendeleev Institute of Chemical Technology and in engineering from the Moscow State University. 

3. What sector did Yevtushenkov and Sistema first invest in?

Yevtushenkov and Sistema began their activities in the telecommunications sector.

4. How old is Vladimir Yevtushenkov?

Vladimir Yevtushenkov is 75 today.

5. Has Yevtushenkov Vladimir participated in any business forums?

Yevtushenkov Vladimir has participated in the Saint Petersburgh International Economic Forum several times, most recently in 2024.



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