Videos to Your Marketing Campaign

Reasons Why You Should Incorporate Videos to Your Marketing Campaign

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An average internet user consumes over 19 hours of online videos in a week. Videos capture attention more effectively than text or images, and they can convey complex information quickly and clearly, keeping viewers engaged. Let’s explore how you can create a video marketing plan and its benefits.    

How to Create a Video Marketing Strategy

You begin by defining your video marketing goals; otherwise, your team will be stuck reframing, re-shooting, and editing, wasting precious time. Do you want to increase brand awareness, launch a new product, or sell more products? Next, to select your target audience, build a buyer persona based on user age, demographic, employment, and more. Pick the best platform for your videos by considering factors such as: 

  • Promotion
  • Budget
  • Average view time
  • Communities 

It’s crucial to create a timeline that accounts for delays in your video process and determine the budget you’re willing to spend. Develop a message that you want to share through your videos, whether you want them to be live-action or animated, and align it with your brand identity. 

Benefits of Using Videos

Here are some benefits associated with using videos to boost your marketing strategy 

1. Increased Social Media Engagement 

Including videos in your marketing campaign will increase client engagement with your company and brand. It will also boost how much your content is shared online as well. Social media platforms prioritize video content that leads to higher visibility and engagement. Creating videos that can spark discussions, comments, and shares can further boost your social media presence. They are highly shareable, increasing the chance of going viral.

2. Higher Conversion Rates and Sales

92% of marketers believe video content gets them an increased ROI (return on investment), and the best part is you don’t need to buy high-quality equipment. Instead, just a cell phone will do. There are also plenty of free or cheap video editing tools available online. However, if you have the budget, consider working with a video production agency like Hotbed Media

Videos can explain the features and benefits of products or services clearly and concisely. Demonstration videos can show how a product works, helping customers understand its value. You can also include clear and compelling CTAs (call-to-actions) to guide viewers on what to do next. Interactive video elements (clickable links) can lead directly to a sales page, which all help boost sales and conversion rates. 

3. Boosting SEO and Improved Information Retention

Videos can improve your site’s SEO, making it easier for potential customers to find you. Search engines, such as Bing or Google, consider webpage content with videos more valuable and engaging, making your website rank higher in SERPs (search engine result pages). Higher visibility on search engines will also lead to increased traffic and sales.

Viewers retain more information from videos than text, leading to a better understanding of your product, and better understanding directly translates into higher confidence in purchasing decisions.

4. Creating an Emotional Connection 

When videos evoke emotions, they create a deeper connection with viewers, and emotional responses can drive purchasing decisions and brand loyalty. Combining movements, facial expressions, and color in videos can make it easier for customers to form a connection with your brand. You can also build trust and credibility by creating behind-the-scenes or company culture content, which can humanize your brand and build authenticity.


You have to continuously monitor the progress of your video marketing strategy to measure its effectiveness and determine if it’s setting out to achieve the goals you intended. It can be a little overwhelming at first, but if you put your mind to it and pick up a camera, then success is bound to find your way. 



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