The 10 Most Admired Companies To Watch in 2020

The transition of the language training market from offline to online has been fast-tracked due to the new norms such as social distancing, quarantine, and remote working. Responding to the surge in the demand for online training, many traditional offline players have shifted their solutions online. However, other than just adding a tech solution for the virtual classrooms and moving a teacher from a physical classroom to a computer, good remote training requires a new set ….
SilexPro: Building the Next-Gen Working Spaces
According to the conventional wisdom, ‘necessity is the mother of ...
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Unibio Group
Unibio Group: A Sustainable Solution to the World’s Food Problems
The need for animal protein in today’s world is increasing ...
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Scribe Technology Solutions
Scribe Technology Solutions: Simplifying Healthcare through Innovative Technologies
Scribe Technology Solutions’ roots date back to 2001 when Mark ...
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CereSoft: One of the Most Admired Healthcare Technology Company in 2020
The dramatic spread of COVID-19 in 2020 has disrupted lives, ...
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Alertgy: On a Drive to Innovate Diabetic Healthcare Solutions
The medical device and diagnostic industry is constantly growing and ...
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Importance of Leave Policy

Types Of Leaves All Employees Should be aware of
Types of Leaves All Employees Should be Aware of
Leave policies in several companies are ignored, due to various ...
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Impact of CO2

CO2 Impact
Is CO2 Really Impacting Your Cognitive Ability?
The United Nations released the first emission gap report ten ...
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