Tech Trends Small Business Owners

6 Tech Trends Small Business Owners Should Not Ignore

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Running a successful small business is not a pipedream. If you truly want to leave your competitors behind, you have to stay informed about all the trends, especially the tech trends.

Many small business owners find it hard to stay updated about advancements in the tech world without using resources like those found at If you are a small business owner and want to know about tech trends, you are at the right place. Keep reading to learn about six important tech trends that can help you take your business to the next level.

1.      No-Code

As a small business owner, you might already know about the importance of having a great website and relying on mobile apps to engage with your customers. But you might be struggling with keeping your website and mobile app updated like many other small business owners.

The good news is that you no longer have to spend thousands of dollars to run your website and mobile app.

With no-code methodology, you can easily build your website and manage your mobile app without hiring a developer. Implementing low-code and no-code can help you build an amazing website and run your app without destroying your budget.

2.      Artificial Intelligence

Reading about “Artificial Intelligence” has made many business owners conclude that it’s nothing but a buzzword. However, contrary to a common misconception, AI holds power to solve common problems of business owners.

Using AI solutions doesn’t require you to be tech-savvy. Online AI solutions like Microsoft Azure can help you use AI and ML models to find reliable information and make sense of the data you gather.

3.      Cybersecurity

Keeping your business data safe from hackers is more important than ever in this digital age. If you don’t want to lose all your important information to a hacker, you need to deploy cybersecurity solutions that can boost your business security.

Here are some actionable cybersecurity tips you should not ignore:

  1. Keep all your computers updated.
  2. Use antivirus software.
  3. Remove unwanted tools from your computers.
  4. Use a VPN to hide your online presence.
  5. Replace weak passwords with strong passwords.

4.      Remote Team Management

Working with talented people across the world has become effortless in this digital age. As a small business owner, if you don’t have the resources to manage an in-house team, you can build your “online team” to get your tasks done.

Remote team management no longer requires you to develop proprietary software tools. There are several software solutions available in the market that enable you to manage skilled resources from all parts of the world – enabling you to cut your tasks and provide superior products and services to your target audience.

5.      Automation

Automation is no longer a buzzword as it used to be in the past. This digital age allows small business owners to use reliable tech tools and frameworks that can make automation easier than ever before.

The two most important examples of automation for small businesses are:

  • Online pricing automation
  • Inventory management automation

If you are selling products online, you need to automate how the listings change online automatically so you can stay profitable. Such automation can also save you from tons of “data entry” that waste your time and effort.

On the other hand, the automated management of your inventory can also save you from the hassle. You will have a clear idea of when you are going out of stock and how to fulfill the demands of your customers.

Other types of automation, depending on the type of your business, can also bring amazing results for you. Make sure you set some time aside to learn how you can implement automation in your business processes.

6.      Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing might seem odd to you as a “tech trend,” but the truth is that marketing is always influenced by tech. The most important thing about influencer marketing is that it’s heavily integrated with tech tools.

You can only find the right influencers and reach your target audience if you choose the right tools and create a proper framework.

To achieve your sales goals, you have to learn how influencer marketing works and how using proper tools can make the journey of influencer marketing easier for you.

Also Read: 3 Trends And Technologies To Emerge In The Trucking Supply Chain



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