Strong Case For Child Custody

How To Build A Strong Case For Child Custody?

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Whether you are a parent going through a divorce, or a non-parent trying to retain custody after separation, the court may be looking for evidence to prove you are fit and able to care for your child. You must prove they can take care of the child’s needs and duties in your stead during these turbulent times.

There are a few things that you can do as a parent to make a strong case for child custody. Below are some great tips for creating a solid case for child custody that you should consider. When compiling your case, remember that the court will look for stability and evidence of a healthy family environment for the child.

  • Produce Evidence to Support Your Case

When making a case for child custody, you must present the court with certain documents showing your acts as a parent. If you can provide documentary evidence of your caregiving and involvement in your child’s life, it will help strengthen your case considerably. 

Most states consider any form of physical abuse or neglect against children as actions that warrant removing the child from their parent’s care. If you have a strong relationship with your child, then it will help you with your case. 

  • Be Informed About Everything Related to Your Child

One of the main reasons many parents lose custody is that they cannot care for their children’s needs. To make a strong custody case, you must prove yourself as a responsible parent. Don’t make a case that you do not know what is going on; this will only lead to trouble and complications.

  • Show That Your Child Is Safe From Harmful Situations

Another thing that often causes fights in court is parents who cannot provide proof that their children are safe from harmful situations. If you can show through physical evidence (such as photos) how the child was shielded from harm, this will go a long way in your court case. Arizona family law attorneys at Jensen Family Law can help you assess your case and take the best actions to support your claim. 

  • Show That Your Child Needs Your Care and Help

Often, parents will make the mistake of making their case more about themselves than about how they were able to become such a positive influence on their children in so little time. Parents often fight for custody because of their ex-partner’s incompetence when caring for their child; this may be why you want to keep the child. 

  • Show Your Responsibility

An excellent way to show that you are a responsible parent is by being able to provide evidence of your responsibilities. If you can show that you can handle different tasks and duties, such as financial support, provide evidence that you have been doing this regularly and on time. 


You will need to show how much effort and love you can offer your child, especially if they cannot see their mother often. This can be achieved by documenting your child’s progress and achievements. Bear in mind that the court is looking for evidence of how much you have done for your children, not how much you might still do for them.

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