solar panels work indoors

What is the best light source to make solar panels work indoors?

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Solar energy is one of the most reliable and renewable sources of energy that humans discovered to reduce environmental pressure. Here the solar panels are the receiving ends of this unlimited source of energy and help store and convert it into electrical energy. We need to install solar panels on the rooftop of our houses to make it work. Another important thing to make it work is the need for stable and bright sunlight.

Here certain adversities come up that hinder the proper functioning of solar panels. Sometimes the weather might end up being dull, or the sun might not be as bright as usual to produce enough heat. Things become worse during the rainy season when all that the solar panels receive is rainwater.

Here we need to find good alternatives like CHINT Distributed PV Solution that would be the best light source to make solar panels work indoors. Here you get the advantage of keeping your solar panels installed inside without the worry of it getting damaged owing to the weather fluctuations.

Let us delve deep to understand the working of solar panels and the best alternative we were talking about;

Method Of Solar Panel Functioning

Solar panel systems include several Photovoltaic cells that accumulate to make the solar panel. Such panels gather the sun’s energy and send it over to batteries and light to function for quite some hours.

As mentioned above, we are looking for alternatives that would help us charge our solar panels indoors. Let us now look into the possible options that can come in handy to charge our panels without any extra hassle.

Incandescent Light Bulbs

Many people would not believe it, but Incandescent bulbs are one of the most reliable sources of making solar panels work indoors. Try to opt for the incandescent bulb with a filament in it. Some even go for Halogen light bulbs to generate some light and heat. One must remember that the higher the wattage of the bulb is, the more are the chances of the solar panels getting charged. The reason behind charging panels with Incandescent bulbs is the higher amount of heat generated by the bulb. You can install such bulbs on your desk, but at a safe distance from your hands. Some desk bulbs might range just between 65 to 70W, but some end up reaching 100 to 150W. This is where things can get serious if you are not careful. When it comes to the load on Incandescent bulbs, make sure that it is a minimum of 10 ohms.

Fluorescent Bulbs

Numerous people might feel that fluorescent bulbs might not be enough to charge a solar panel indoors owing to its working and output. Fluorescent bulbs do not generate wavelengths of blackbody curves and use phosphorescent material to generate light. All it does is intake electricity and excite the phosphorescent material for generating light. This is contrary to Incandescent light bulbs that channel the electricity into the filament for generating heat and light. One might doubt its capacity as this is a cost-effective lighting element that finds a place in a home for its higher efficiency. Conversely, the truth of the matter is that if the energy produced is right, even in small amounts, it can charge the solar panel. Experts recommend that the load for Fluorescent bulbs should be between 75 to 90 ohms.

LED Light Bulbs

Another option in this list comes as LED light bulbs, which are regular in almost every household. People prefer LED bulbs owing to their lesser electricity consumption and higher generation of light energy to light up the darkest of rooms. Even LED bulbs do not channel the electricity into some filament for heating to generate light. LEDs have the same Phosphorescent material as Fluorescent lamps. Consequently, it is one of the most efficient alternatives that you can opt for to charge your solar panels inside. Your electricity charges would also be less, and your solar panels would get sufficient charge for running the night. The recommended load here should be between 50 to 60 ohms.

Now that you know about the available options, you can be independent of weather conditions. The control remains in your hands, and its usage is up to your jurisdiction.

Also Read: Useful Ways To Incorporate LED Lighting Into Your Business Establishment



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