
How To Choose The Right Secure Email Service For Your Business

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Effective communication is essential in any business situation. One of the ways in which businesses convey their messages is through email. But given the rampant cyber threats, data breaches, phishing, and the like, choosing a secure email service is necessary. 

Email communication is still one of the reliable ways when it comes to business communication, and choosing the email service suitable for your needs can impact your business’s reputation and efficiency.

According to statistics, more than 100 emails are received by an employee daily. Given that influx of messages, it’s important to put a premium on making sure this form of communication is secure. Protecting your system from fraudulent digital activities entails taking some preventive measures.

This post will guide you in choosing the appropriate email service for your business. Read on to find out more.

Email security 101

Email security is the proactive protection of emails from cybersecurity compromises, scams, losses, and unauthorized access. It guards against alteration or misuse of email conversations and file attachments. The protocols set by a secure email provider protect both the sender and receiver of the email.

Cybercriminals see emails as a gateway to malicious acts because they’re a convenient point of access to gadgets and personal accounts. At the same time, they know that all it takes is a human error such as a misleading link being clicked to stir up a security concern for the whole movement.

Companies today acknowledge the need for proper email security to be set in place. Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) report on internet crime states that more than USD$4 billion were lost in cybercrime in 2020, with the attacks starting with a mere email. Email solutions aim to reduce this risk by streamlining proper responses and being alert to the threats that are becoming more sophisticated by the day. 

Having an intact and secure email service reduces disruptions and downtimes that may be caused by cyberattacks.

Understanding your business needs

Secure Email Service

You may have a lot of considerations when it comes to choosing your email service. After all, you should put a premium on fortifying your defense against the schemes of the enemy. 

But before going into the deep waters of your options, it’s essential to know the needs of your company. Whether you’re a newbie or have been in the industry for a long time, your service choice should be in sync with your organizational needs and operational goals.

The following are some things to be mindful of when choosing the right email service:

  • Security. First and foremost, the security measures that the service provider has must be adequate for your company. Examples are end-to-end encryption and two-factor authentication system.
  • Number of users. Service providers usually have subscriptions and offerings dependent on the number of users. Whether your company is big or small, see to it that the email service can meet the present and future demands of your staff.
  • Scalability. If you’re thinking long-term, you should know that your business will grow in a matter of time. You should pick an email service that can expand with you as you go on in your business ventures. Make sure they can provide security for you despite your growth, so you don’t have to change service providers as you build momentum.
  • Features. Look for an email service provider with features aligning with your goals, values, and budget. Compare and contrast the offerings when it comes to email automation, branding options, and marketing techniques, among others.
  • Support. Email service providers that go above and beyond to support you are important in facing various circumstances. Consider how they assist with customer support, training, tutorials, and documentation.

Choosing an email service

Picking the best email service is about meeting the requirements of your company. But what characteristics should you look for? 

Here are some factors you should look for in an email service:

  • Encryption protocols

The primary feature of encryption protocols is to make sure only the recipient who should process the email will be able to view and access the content. Open PGP (Open Pretty Good Privacy), S/MIME (Secure – Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions), and TLS (Transport Layer Security) are examples of reliable encryption. These are layers of protection to prevent your email from being in the wrong hands.

  • Regulatory compliance

Industries of varying kinds have regulatory compliance when it comes to data protection and privacy. Ensure that data protection laws such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) are being met. In this way, you could avoid the legal fees and fines that a cyberattack may bring.

  • User-friendly interface

A software interface where the user can navigate the application efficiently is essential. After all, who wants to use a complex software that makes one’s life harder? 

Staff will more likely abide by the security protocols if the interface is intuitive.  Evaluate the overall user experience to make sure your employees can navigate the secure email service with ease.

  • Uptime and reliability

Downtime or service interruptions negatively affect your business operations, which can lead to missed opportunities and potential financial losses. Not only that, but being unable to respond promptly calls for a tainted reputation from clients. 

Pick a service provider with a track record of high uptime and reliable service to minimize the risk of disruptions. In this way, your operations would always be well-functioning.


The right email security service for your business is all about safeguarding the company’s email accounts and important communication elements from fraudsters on the Internet. The best way for staff and teams among organizations is to come up with email protocols to maintain a regulation for emailing and spread that awareness with the employees. With these, everyone will be aware of the dos and don’ts of sharing information via email.

Email threats have become complicated as people with malicious intentions come up with different tactics to deceive. As a result, organizations double down on having robust email security systems to protect valuable data, maintain their reputation, and keep their bottom line. Businesses should consider an email security solution that offers well-rounded protection across devices, applications, data, and cloud workloads. Consider the ideas mentioned here as you plan and prepare.

James Mitchell 

James Mitchell is a cybersecurity consultant specializing in helping businesses choose the right secure email service. With a background in IT security, James provides guidance on selecting email services that prioritize data protection and privacy. When not immersed in cybersecurity, he enjoys staying updated on the latest trends in digital privacy, attending IT security conferences, and volunteering for initiatives that promote online safety awareness.



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