Sanjay Poojary: Making a Sustainable Impact in the World with Water Management Solutions

The new advanced technologies are helping various industries in their growth and expansion into a new world. The effective utilization of such technologies for solving life critical issues makes a huge impact on the planet and fuels sustainable living. Similarly, by integrating advanced technologies with the projects like water treatment plants, power plants etc. can help the world ecosystem. One of the issues which greatly affect life on our planet is water. To manage water related problems various companies across the world have already started implementing their solutions. One of them is California-based Saya Life which for individual residences and multi-unit residential and commercial buildings, deploys an accurate, affordable system to monitor leaks and pipe bursts, and automatically shuts off the water to prevent property damage and insurance claims.

The President and CEOSanjay Poojary, is the man who used his experience and expertise in IOT technology to solve some unyielding issues around basic life needs. Likewise, his prior experience and knowledge in the sector and his will to make a difference in the world has been a foundation of Saya Life.

CEO’s Efforts in Bringing Smart Water Management

Sanjay Poojary started his career by working in software industry. While working in the software companies, he accumulated lots of experience which led him to become a senior technology leader. He has 20+ years of experience in directing, managing and executing product and solutions release through Product development. Additionally, he has deep knowledge in the IOT space makes him an expert in the industry.

Sanjay strongly believed in using cutting edge technology into solving real-world problems. Metering has been archaic for over 100 years and that is changing now. IOT, big data, and machine learning brings a new dimension to capturing, managing and predicting relevant events and risks. His goal was to build a solution for all the elements in nature. He established Saya Life which is currently devoted on Smart Water Management.

Advancing with the Latest Technologies to Offer Best Service

Since its foundation in 2016, Saya life is focused on submetering, protection of property, and providing real-time control of water systems to monitor flow and prevent damage caused by leaks. Furthermore, it is a complete IoT solution in the market designed for sub-metering, in addition, to complete water management for enterprise and home applications. The firm introduces The Saya Smart Management kit contains SAYA Ultrasonic Smart meter with remote shut-off valve, Smart Wireless Gateway, sensors that detects pressure, temperature and flood. The Smart Wireless Gateway evaluates data gathered from sensors and communicates with their SAYAOne cloud platform for processing the data using machine learning (ML).

After processing of data, the platform sends it to the dashboard or mobile device for display. The system can be configured to automatically shuts off the water to prevent damage to critical property in a residential or commercial location. These solutions are also being tested by several Insurance companies who are looking to reduce the ever-increasing cost of insurance claims. The Saya Smart gateway can connect and communicating at long range with multiple meters which allows smart water management to deploy in large residential and commercial buildings. Importantly, these systems are available and can be installed at residential, commercial and industrial sites. Saya has a modular system and is looking to add water quality monitoring and other features to their platform in 2019.

Sanjay’s Multi-Function Role Aiding in Company Development  

Before establishing Saya life, Sanjay worked in large corporations like Cisco Systems and then in a startup company Greenwave system Inc as a Director for Platform Project Management. As the CEO of his start-up company, Sanjay has to fulfill numerous roles as well as mange all the aspect of the business. Under his leadership, Saya Life has rapidly expanded its service area and reached several different customer segments. Sanjay’s ability to evolve and develop his company has got the firm recognized as the top 10 smart water management providers in 2018 and got his Smart meter certified in the category of a submetering device. Sanjay responsibilities towards the company made them a part of the Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator which is rated amongst the top 3 incubators in the world. Saya Life in 2019 is looking to offer a comprehensive solution to monitor, manage and mitigate major risks associated with basic life resources.

Furthermore, in the upcoming years SAYA life looks forward to expand the company significantly while keeping an eye on diversity, inclusion and community impact.

Guidance for Young Entrepreneurs

According to the Sanjay, one of the biggest challenges faced by young business is to have clear vision and business model. The clear vision of their goals can help them to achieve success. Along with that, implementation of business model which is simple, logical and executable and produces revenue contributes to the development of a company. Furthermore, he explains that do not lose sight of the small but important aspects that creates a roadmap to a successful business. Spend time to build a product that is a fit for the market segment you are targeting.

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