Restaurants That Take Crypto

Restaurants That Take Crypto: A Growing Trend

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Digital currency is no longer a fringe idea; it’s going mainstream fast. And guess what? More and more restaurants are catching on and letting you pay with crypto. This move isn’t just for the tech geeks; it’s for everyone who likes having choices.

France Leads the Pack

France is kind of a big deal when it comes to restaurants accepting crypto. There are now over 15,000 places where you can use your digital coins to pay for your meal. That’s huge! Restaurants in France are making it happen with platforms like Binance Pay and Alchemy Pay.

Believe it or not, even Burger King in Paris is on board. Since March 2023, several of their spots have machines hooked up to Binance Pay and Alchemy Pay, letting you pay with Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin. Who knows, maybe next time when you visit Paris your Polygon wallet will come in handy! 

Big Names Joining In

Major restaurant chains around the world are clued in and starting to accept crypto. By doing so, they’re appealing to a more digital audience.

Why are they doing this? For one, crypto transactions often come with lower fees—think 1% or less, compared to the 2% to 4% hit you take with regular credit or debit cards. Plus, it attracts a wider crowd, like tourists who might have trouble with their cards abroad. It’s also very fun and unusual. For example, you got the profits from Tron staking and can buy yourself a meal using not USD, not EUR, but TRX. 

Looking ahead, more and more restaurants will likely jump on the crypto bandwagon, making it even easier for you to spend your digital cash. So, the next time you’re hungry, keep an eye out—you might just be able to pay with crypto!

Cryptocurrencies Accepted at Restaurants

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin

Cryptocurrencies are making waves in the restaurant biz, giving folks more ways to pay. Here are some popular ones you’ll find:

  • Bitcoin (BTC): The big cheese of crypto. Everyone knows it, trusts it, and uses it because it’s super secure.
  • Ethereum (ETH): Perfect for the techies. It’s more than just money—it’s got brains with those smart contracts.
  • Litecoin (LTC): Speedy Gonzales of the bunch. Fast transactions and low fees make it a favorite.
RestaurantCryptos You Can Use
StarbucksBitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Gemini Dollar
La SireneBitcoin, Uniswap, Cardano, Ethereum, Neo, Tezos, XRP, Monero
Burger KingBitcoin (Germany), WhopperCoin (Russia)
SubwayBitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin

Fun Crypto Perks

Some joints go the extra mile to get you paying with crypto:

  • Burger King (Germany): In Germany, go ahead and buy that Whopper with Bitcoin. 
  • Subway: These guys were crypto OGs. Some locations in Europe and Allentown, Pennsylvania, have been taking Bitcoin since 2013.
  • Domino’s (USA): They teamed up with Lightning Pizza to make Bitcoin payments a breeze. Use wallets like Zap, lightning-app, Casa, BlueWallet, or Eclair to get your pizza fix.

These perks don’t just push digital cash—they make eating out more fun and build some serious customer loyalty.

Expansion and Partnerships

Businesses partnering with cryptocurrency payment platforms are seeing some serious growth. Subway and Chipotle are leading the charge – just you wait and see how they’re making digital payments the real deal.

Chipotle’s Cryptocurrency Support

Chipotle’s got some major cred in the crypto world too. In 2022, they started accepting cryptocurrency payments by partnering with Flexa. Now Chipotle can take payments in 98 different types of crypto, including the big names like Bitcoin, Solana, and Avalanche.

Chipotle’s been on the crypto scene for a while. Remember National Burrito Day in 2021? They gave away Bitcoin – talk about creating a buzz.

Why are Chipotle’s crypto payments a big deal? For starters, Flexa makes sure transactions are secure and easy, keeping customers happy. Plus, the wide range of cryptocurrencies they accept means more folks with crypto in their wallets are swinging by for a burrito.

Subway and Chipotle’s partnerships with Flexa are shaking things up, paving the way for other businesses in the hospitality sector. By embracing cryptocurrency, they’re showing the food industry that digital payments aren’t just a flash in the pan – they’re here to stay.

Less Money for Those Pesky Fees

Nobody likes paying extra just to spend their money. Credit and debit cards hit you with both flat fees and percentages on every transaction. It’s sneaky, and it adds up fast!

Payment TypeFlat FeePercentage Fee
Credit/Debit Card$0.25+2% – 4%
Cryptocurrency$0.01 – $0.101% or less

Using cryptocurrency, you skip the big fees—usually paying 1% or less. This means restaurants save money and guess what? That savings often gets passed on to you with better prices. Think of it as a secret menu, where the special item is saving money!

Everyone’s Invited

Foreign visitors often have trouble with their cards getting denied. It’s frustrating, especially when you’re just trying to enjoy a meal. Cryptocurrencies wipe out this problem—no middlemen to mess things up.

By accepting crypto, restaurants can welcome everyone, from international tourists to those who simply prefer paying digitally. The younger crowd, especially Gen Z and millennials, are at the forefront of this trend. These tech-savvy diners are more likely to choose places that accept crypto over those that don’t.

Businesses globally see the upside to catering to this crowd. Happy customers mean repeat business and a diverse group coming through the doors.

Join the Crypto Craze

Paying with cryptocurrency is more than just a trend. Lower fees and the ability to cater to everyone make it a smart move for restaurants. As more places jump on the crypto bandwagon, expect dining to get cheaper and more hassle-free.

So, next time you’re out and about, don’t forget: your wallet might love crypto as much as you do!

Also Read: Understanding KYC Requirements When Buying Crypto



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