
Top React Developer Skills to Look into in 2024

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React has rapidly emerged as one of the most popular and in-demand frameworks for building modern web and mobile applications. With its declarative component architecture, efficient diff-based rendering, and ability to build complex yet high-performing user interfaces, React enables developers to create highly dynamic and interactive user experiences. 

As more and more companies adopt React for their front-end development needs, hiring managers and recruiters face growing challenges in evaluating the multitude of skills to assess when sourcing and vetting React developers. This comprehensive guide examines the full range of both hard technical competencies as well as essential soft skills to look for when recruiting React developers in 2024 and preparing for future needs. 

Let’s explore in detail the crucial skill sets that comprise a truly full-stack React developer ready to thrive in a modern web engineering role. As React gains prominence in modern web and mobile app development, finding the right talent becomes increasingly crucial. This guide offers insights into assessing React developers effectively, covering core JavaScript proficiency, React-specific competencies, and advanced techniques. But there is the need to consider option to hire react js programmer or react native developer to meet your staffing needs with efficiency and expertise

Assessing Core JavaScript Expertise 

As a JavaScript library, React is built on top of and assumes proficiency in vanilla JavaScript concepts, paradigms and features. Evaluating a developer’s foundational JavaScript abilities is a prerequisite before delving into React-specific skills. 

Here are some of the core JavaScript areas to thoroughly assess:

  • Deep understanding of core language constructs like variable/function scoping, closures, binding and the keyword ‘this’, prototype inheritance, event propagation, strict vs non-strict mode.
  • Experience with newer ES6+ JavaScript language features such as arrow functions, classes, template literals, destructuring assignments, spread syntax, optional chaining, nullish coalescing, async iterators.
  • Knowledge of asynchronous JavaScript techniques such as call-backs, promises, async/await. Ability to coordinate and synchronize concurrent asynchronous actions.
  • Skill using array methods like .map(), .filter(), .reduce(), .find(), .some(), .every() for functional programming. Iterating arrays and transforming data.
  • Leveraging newer JavaScript APIs like Fetch for network requests, WebSockets for real-time communication, browser storage APIs like LocalStorage/SessionStorage for client-side data caching, Geolocation for location tracking, Web Workers for multi-threading, Notifications API, Device Orientation, File Reader, Canvas, etc.
  • Understanding how to structure reusable modular JavaScript using modules, module bundlers like Webpack, namespaces, and standards like ES Modules and Node CommonJS.
  • Knowledge of JavaScript transpilation processes using Babel to convert JSX and modern JavaScript/TypeScript into browser-executable code.

Testing and assessing JavaScript skills can be done through timed coding challenges, take-home projects, technical discussions of previous work experience, and asking candidates to articulate their approach to common problems.

Additionally, they should exhibit good understanding of modern JavaScript testing tools like Jest, behaviour-driven frameworks like Mocha/Chai, stubbing/mocking libraries like Sinon, and headless browser environments like Puppeteer and jsdom.

Mandatory React Competencies

While vanilla JavaScript provides the core foundation, evaluating a developer’s direct hands-on knowledge of React concepts and major capabilities is mandatory. 

Key React-specific areas to examine include:

  • Strong understanding of JSX syntax, role, pitfalls, and differences from regular HTML and JavaScript code. Ability to refactor existing code from JS to JSX.
  • Building reusable React components using function and class components. Knowledge of component state, props, and context. 
  • In-depth knowledge of React Hooks like useState, useEffect, useContext, useReducer, useCallback, useMemo, and custom hooks.
  • Leveraging state management with setState() and useState(). Manipulating and deriving state properly.
  • Using React lifecycle methods like componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, componentWillUnmount etc. Knowledge of committing side effects safely.
  • Making data fetch API calls from within React components using hooks like useEffect or libraries like Axios.
  • Passing data between React components using props and propTypes for type safety. Ability to “lift state up” within a component tree.
  • Handling user events via onClick, onChange, onSubmit handlers in JSX. Knowledge of binding event handlers in class components.
  • Applying best practices for performance optimization like limiting unnecessary re-renders. 
  • Knowledge of React principles like one-way data flow, separation of concerns between state management vs display components.

When interviewing, assess React expertise through targeted coding questions, architectural discussions, and by asking candidates to build simple React components and hooks from scratch during the interview. 

This gauges their command of core React principles beyond just using frameworks. Hire ReactJS developers who understand what React is doing behind the scenes.

Mastery of Advanced React Techniques and Ecosystem

Beyond just core React skills, evaluating a developer’s deeper experience with the extensive React ecosystem is crucial for scaling skills to build complex enterprise-grade applications. 

Some of the more advanced React-related capabilities to examine include:

  • State management with Redux or MobX – actions, action creators, reducers, store, selectors, asynchronous middleware like redux-thunk, connecting components to the store.
  • Advanced React Hooks like useReducer, useContext, useCallback, useDebugValue – understanding their role and use cases.
  • React Router for routing and navigation – configuration, linking, programmatic navigation, handling redirects, lazy loading routes using React Suspense.
  • CSS-in-JS solutions like Styled Components for encapsulating styles within components.
  • UI component libraries like Material UI, Chakra UI, BlueprintJS – using and customizing them.
  • Unit testing React components using Jest, React Testing Library, Enzyme, Cypress, Mock Service Workers. Tradeoffs of each approach.  
  • Build and bundling tools like Webpack, Vite, Parcel. Knowledge of custom configurations, splitting code, optimizations.
  • Linting with ESLint and automatic code formatting with Prettier. Customizing rules.
  • Understanding React concurrent mode and leveraging Suspense for lazy loading components.
  • React Native for building mobile iOS and Android applications. Exposure to React Native APIs.
  • Working with GraphQL for declarative data fetching from within React components. Using tools like Apollo Client.
  • TypeScript usage for static typing to reduce bugs and enable editor tooling. Adding types to existing JavaScript code.
  • Component storybook tools like Storybook for visually developing components in isolation. Configuring stories.
  • React performance analysis, profiling, and optimization techniques. Leveraging React DevTools Profiler. 
  • React design principles like unidirectional data flow, lift state up, separation of concerns between stateless and stateful components. 

Evaluating the depth of a developer’s React ecosystem abilities indicates whether they can build production-level applications, not just Todo demos. Strong knowledge reflects opportunities to apply React more widely.

Testing, Debugging, and DevOps Abilities

In addition to feature development, assessing a developer’s software engineering practices for ensuring code quality and production readiness is advised:

Some key areas include:

  • Unit testing experience using frameworks like Jest, Mocha, karma-jasmine. Ability to test React components, hooks, utility functions in isolation.
  • JavaScript stubbing, mocking, and spying skills with libraries like sinon.js and proxyquire.
  • Integration/end-to-end testing expertise with Cypress, Selenium, TestCafé.
  • Performance testing and profiling – techniques for identifying and optimizing bottlenecks.
  • Debugging abilities – using console logging, React DevTools profiler, debuggers, enabling stack traces, source maps. Patience for solving difficult bugs.
  • Security awareness – common web app vulnerabilities, OWASP Top 10, mitigation techniques.
  • Source control skills – branching strategies, submitting pull requests, performing code reviews, resolving merge conflicts. Git familiarity.
  • Release engineering – tooling like webpack, module bundlers, transpilers, linters, formatters. Automation skills.
  • Infrastructure as code techniques with Terraform, CloudFormation, Docker, Kubernetes.
  • Understand CI/CD concepts and platforms like GitHub Actions, CircleCI, Travis CI, Jenkins.
  • Production monitoring & alerting experience with tools like Datadog, New Relic, Sentry. 
  • Incident response – analyzing issues, gathering evidence, resolving live incidents. On-call experience.

Evaluating this dimension of skills provides insights into development rigor, ops capabilities, and followed software craftsmanship principles.

Core Soft Skills and Attributes 

While technical skills are mandatory baseline requirements, evaluating a candidate’s soft skills and intangible qualities is equally important for identifying the right cultural fit.

Some key soft skills to assess include:

  • Communication excellence – ability to explain complex React concepts clearly and simply to both technical and non-technical audiences.
  • Listening skills – letting others finish questions/concerns before responding thoughtfully. No interrupting.  
  • Collaboration – experience working closely within a team environment. No ego. Values diverse input.
  • Adaptability – openness to changing priorities and direction. Flexible to new requirements. Not rigid.
  • Creative problem solving – thinks outside the box, doesn’t apply pre-determined formulae.
  • Attention to detail – cares about precision, completeness, validity, accuracy in coding work.
  • Time management and discipline – can set realistic milestones, breaks down projects methodically, meets commitments. 
  • Proactiveness – takes initiative, reaches out for missing information, acts without prompting at times.
  • Stress management – remains composed and focused under pressure or uncertainty.
  • Work ethic – willingness to invest extra effort for the right reasons, inspired by solving problems.  

Make sure candidate values align with company culture and principles for maximum engagement.

Cultural Fit and Values Alignment

Cultural fit indicates how well a candidate’s innate values, work styles, and personality matches that of your organization. Some areas to evaluate:

  • Transparency – Are they forthcoming about failures/mistakes or do they conceal them?
  • Ownership – Do they take responsibility for work outcomes or shift blame externally?
  • Self-awareness – Can they accurately assess their own strengths and areas for improvement?
  • Work style – Do they thrive in structured or unstructured environments? Are they self-directed?
  • Collaboration – Is their default approach to work independently or collectively as a team?
  • Communication style – Do they actively listen and build consensus or force opinions?
  • Ambition – Are they motivated by mastery, impact, recognition, or compensation? What drives them?
  • Problem-solving – Do they take an iterative approach or need extensive upfront planning?
  • Risk profile – Are they more pragmatic or imaginative in solving challenges? 
  • Work-life balance – Is their self-worth strongly tied to work achievements or more multifaceted?

Consider candidates whose innate inclinations, motivations and values best complement existing teams to reinforce your culture.

Leveraging Staff Augmentation Models

For React skills that may be missing in-house, leveraging IT staff augmentation services can provide flexible solution:

  • Work with specialized firms providing pre-vetted React developers to avoid searching. 
  • Start with short-term 3–6-month augmentations to pilot capabilities before longer engagements. 
  • Onboard contractors fully with your codebase, tools, processes for seamless integration.
  • Treat contract resources as integral members to foster inclusion and knowledge sharing.
  • Budget for talent search fees when working with staffing partners to fill roles.
  • Negotiate agreements allowing conversion from contract to full-time if desired fit. 
  • Set expectations around required hours, response times, reporting structures for contractors.
  • Establish clear separation of contractor work if concerned about IP protection.

Augmentation enables scaling React expertise up or down on-demand to meet needs.


This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the wide variety of React skills to evaluate when recruiting React developers in 2024 from core JavaScript proficiency to advanced framework knowledge to key soft skills. Use this blueprint to structure your hiring processes, sourcing strategies, interviews, and assessments. Hiring managers need to take a holistic approach across both hard technical capabilities and soft interpersonal traits to find well-rounded

Also read: How Do You Develop The Perfect Balance Of Technical And Soft Skills For Your QA Team?



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