R Public Relations: Enabling PR Success through Best Reputation Management

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Brands live or die by their reputations, and while this fact won’t change, what has is how easily these reputations can be compromised. Before the emergence of the internet, brands had more time to respond to negative comments or problems as the world moved slower. Today, with the availability of advanced digital marketing, the speed of information and its reach have increased immensely. As one negative viral post can damage a brand critically, a team with experience and expertise can monitor the brand’s reputation and respond to anything quickly. R Public Relations is proactively engaging its target audiences as well as promoting positive messages through solid reputation management.

Heart and Innovation

R Public Relations (RPR) was borne out of heart and innovation. The company is a unique Boutique PR Firm established in 2008 with the mission to provide exceptionally creative and inspired services for the carefully curated list of clients it respects and admires. The company is fueled by its clients’ passions and the people that make businesses run. Catering to its vision, R Business is Yours, RPR works with small businesses and entrepreneurs. It strives to be seen as a part of the internal team even though it is a firm of contractors.

Virtualization has positively impacted RPR, and the company now serves locations all over the USA and some international clients as well. Moreover, it hires the best and brightest employees for its team regardless of geography. Virtualization also helps the company track media results more effectively. For that, it utilizes innovative reporting and AI to track impressions from press distribution.

Beneficial Solutions

A remote agency like RPR is unique because it is a boutique public relations firm. The company focuses on lifestyle brands in the restaurant, hospitality, retail, and health and wellness industries. “We KNOW these industries in a way that PR firms who only ‘dabble’ in them and every other industry can’t,” says Emily Reynolds Bergh, CEO of RPR. Moreover, clients work with the same team throughout the project, from beginning to end.

RPR is unique from other firms because the team can be more flexible and responsive than larger companies with more bureaucracy. Clients get the best results and more for their money because boutique PR firmsmaintain good relationships and partnerships with their clients, unlike larger companies that can be more transactional with projects. Boutique firms are often run and staffed by experienced PR professionals who leave their big firms for more creative freedom and the ability to work on their own terms.

Facing Difficulties

Being a boutique PR firm is advantageous and challenging for companies like RPR. The company understands the value it provides to its customers and admits that getting potential clients to overcome that kneejerk reaction to always go with the more prominent, tried and true firm is challenging. To overcome these difficulties, RPR follows the adage, “the proof is in the pudding.” The company shares its results through all possible means, like testimonials, case studies, and referrals.It also promotes its clients’ success in different ways.

Passionate Leader

Being a leader, Emily is responsible for leading all campaigns and directing the company’s public relations outreach.Emily is the main point of contact for every communication at the company.One of my favorite accolades is being ‘mother hen’ to my five kiddos (that’s right, five), my team of incredibly talented professionals, and the clients we serve,” says Emily. Moreover, her persistent efforts helped her achieve success. She has been featured in the New York Times and honored as a woman in business by Inc. Magazine. She also has been invited as a keynote speaker for many podcasts. Under her guidance, RPR has been honored as one of the best PR firms in Nashville two years in a row by Expertise.

New Ways to Help People

As a leading lifestyle public relations agency, RPR targets audiences for clients in industries like restaurants, hospitality, retail, and health and wellness. In general, people wish to have or want to achieve a certain lifestyle, so they tend to choose brands that can help them achieve their goals. As such, lifestyle PR requires a more inherently relatable and personal approach to achieve success for clients, and RPR has made a name for itself doing just that.

The COVID pandemic was one of the biggest challenges faced by the company. During this period, business was down dramatically for lifestyle brands. Despite the lows, RPR succeeded in creating innovative solutions and new ways to help clients get the message out in a relevant way. While the impact of the pandemic has not faded entirely, lifestyle brands were starting to see a return in demand until inflation hit consumers. Then spending slowed for these brands again as they are often seen as more of a luxury. To overcome this, RPR was tasked with helping clients show the value of their products and services to their target audiences.

Impactful Implementations

Over the past few years, RPR has started implementing different innovations, including SEO, in its campaigns. PR and SEO have similar goals; however, they are often siloed in marketing. Sometimes, when PR and digital marketing teams work separately, their efforts are not always consistent, which reduces the effectiveness of all campaigns. RPR is bridging this gap for its clients by implementing keywords and thoughtful SEO into its outreach and content campaigns.

Data-driven Decision-making

The past few years have significantly changed the world, especially the PR industry. Several trends, such as more personalized messaging, socially-aware storytelling, and spotlighting a brand’s values in addition to its products/services, have become more commonplace after COVID. “In 2023, I’m looking for those trends to continue to gain strength,” says Emily. In addition, she believes influencer and social strategies will also continue to grow.


R Public Relations

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