PharmaNutra: Modernizing the Healthcare Sector through Technological Innovations


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The healthcare industry is one of the fastest-evolving industries in the entire world. With the emergence of various advanced technologies, several new solutions and devices have been introduced that further accelerated the growth of the industry. One of the major contributors and most important sectors of the healthcare industry is the pharmaceutical industry. The pharma industry is responsible for developing supplements, medicines, healthcare devices, and vaccines, with the aim to eradicate critical diseases and improve the quality of life.

The pandemic has made everyone realize the importance of maintaining good health and a strong immune system. Nutritional supplements play a vital role in doing the same. Amid numerous nutritional supplement providers in the market today, PharmaNutra is a key player that excels in providing nutritional supplements and innovative solutions for therapeutic purposes. The company not just follows but also anticipates new technological advancements and provides cutting-edge solutions accordingly.

A Robust Establishment

Established in 2003 by Andrea Lacorte (Chairman) and Roberto Lacorte (Vice Chairman), PharmaNutra develops unique food supplements and innovative medical devices. During the establishment of the company, Andrea worked on providing scientific solutions that could play an important role in the growth of the company whereas Roberto contributed towards the company’s development and strategic planning of the corporate structure.

The company was established with the aim to attain excellence in nutritional supplements. With consistent efforts and contribution of the team, PharmaNutra has established and achieved both scientific and commercial success. The corporate value of the company has been built through constant high investment in a proprietary structure and strategic assets including brands, patents, clinical trials, and raw materials.

Distinguished Services and Solutions

PharmaNutra works on providing therapeutic nutrition which is an important area of the food supplements market.  The company develops world-class nutritional supplements with high bioavailability and greater gastrointestinal tolerability using its Sucrosomial® Technology. Its supplements include minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, and calcium. These nutritional supplements are complementary to all proprietary medicinal products and are used for specific nutritional disorders.

PharmaNutra operates on a small number of targeted specializations making it unique as compared to other companies dealing in nutritional supplements and medical devices. Moreover, stressing the importance of lipidology in the nutritional supplements and medical devices field, the company focuses its research on innovative patented raw materials of the highest quality. PharmaNutra has developed its two flagship brands – the SiderAL® iron-based nutritional supplements and the Cetilar® topical products for muscle and joint health–using unique scientific measures.

International development

PharmaNutra is present on foreign markets with a flexible and innovative business model, based on a consolidated network of top-class partners. The internationalization process began in 2013 and recorded constant growth ever since. Currently, the Group’s products are distributed in 61 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and central-south America, through a network of 40 international pharmaceutical and nutraceutical companies. The distribution began with the SiderAL® line and has recently expanded with the introduction of the Cetilar® products. In 2021 oral Cetylated Fatty Acids (CFA) ingredient has been recognized as Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) which will enable the company to trade new CFA- based oral formulas in the US, thus considerably expanding its market for Cetilar® branded products, developed exclusively for topical use until now.

A Team of Visionaries

PharmaNutra has gained immense growth and success due to the contribution and efforts of a team of talented individuals. It operates with the help and guidance of motivated visionary leaders and brothers, Andrea Lacorte and Roberto Lacorte. Being a certified public accountant, the CEO and co-founder of PharmaNutra, Roberto contributes to contract administration and long-term business development strategy concerning the investor market, equally contributing to the growth of the company.

“The history of this company and its rapid growth has always been marked by waves of innovation. Like the tide: specific phases, marked by extraordinary events and amazing moments” Roberto Lacorte, CEO and co-founder PharmaNutra.

The management team of PharmaNutra is completed by two other executive board members–COO Carlo Volpi, and CSO Germano Tarantino–who are eager to give their contribution to the company’s growth. Responsible for maintaining a sound balance between long and short term interests of all stakeholders, Carlo manages the operations, supply chain, and international business. As regards the R&D area, research is a key asset for the company and it is directly overseen by the President Andrea Lacorte and carefully managed by the Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Germano Tarantino.

Streamlined Operations

PharmaNutra’s operations are based on streamlined rapid processes enabling the company to meet the ever-changing needs and demands of its clients. These processes are individually monitored at every level of the Board enabling it to implement certain key decisions thereby maintaining the efficiency of operations.  The agility and determination of a small/medium organization combined with the tools and vision of a large organization is the key factor that enables the company to face any challenge.

The Pandemic Effect

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic severely impacted the business operations across the world. While several industries like travel and hospitality, supply chain, retail faced detrimental disruptions, industries like the healthcare boomed during the pandemic. Being a part of the healthcare industry, PharmaNutra was not at all impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of future growth and expansion. Instead, the pandemic enabled the company to speed up its digital transformation and implement additional medical information systems. These systems enable the company to contact the medical profession in case of any emergency and also help to proceed in parallel with the traditional information processes.

To ensure workplace health and safety after the onset of the pandemic, PharmaNutra implemented various safety measures and guidelines that subsequently became mandatory legal requirements. Along with safeguarding its staff, the company also donated an unlimited supply of SiderAL® (Sucrosomial® Iron) and ApportAL® supplements to hospitals and intensive care units during the peak of the pandemic. This helped the medical workers to deal with the emergency.

Innovating the Future of Pharma Industry

The mission of PharmaNutra is to develop health solutions based on scientific innovation backed by clinical trials. With the increased importance of technology in recent years, it plans on constantly introducing scientific innovation to the market. It works on providing solutions to benefit the health of the people by focusing intensely on scientific research. Since the company works with and draws its strength from patents, these innovations will have a great impact on society in terms of well-being and the quality of therapies and co-therapies.

“Scientific intuition, courage and determination, are the ingredients of great projects and great stories, durable success and new discoveries need continuous investment in research and development” states Andrea Lacorte, Founder and Chairman of PharmaNutra.

PharmaNutra further plans to explore other areas along with an increased focus on investing and conducting research. Primarily, the company will focus on the production of new molecules that is still difficult to apply in specific therapies and treatments. It also plans to increase its focus and use its wealth and value to explore other similar areas.


Image of Quote by PharmaNutra

Read Full Magazine: The 10 Robust Healthcare Companies of 2022

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