Marketing Strategies for Insurance Agencies

Marketing Strategies for Insurance Agencies in 2024: Proven Growth Tactics

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While insurance is an essential part of our day to day lives, it’s rarely considered to be a sexy one. For this reason, marketing for insurance agency firms is a notoriously tricky business. In this article, we’ve got you covered with some proven ideas to grow your business in 2024. 

Getting the balance right

Insurance comes in many shapes and forms – from covering your home in the event of fire or flood to protecting your business from catastrophe. Failing to have any – or adequate – insurance can be catastrophic when it comes to our homes, belongings, cars or businesses. 

For insurance agencies, marketing is a little like walking a tightrope in that the objective is to hammer home the importance of insurance without scaremongering – and, at the same time, putting together campaigns that appeal. 

Marketing strategies for insurance agencies in 2024

Getting social

In 2024, pretty much everybody is on social media in one capacity or another – so this is one channel that you can’t afford to ignore. 

To find the sweet spot with social media marketing for insurance agency purposes, you need to be consistently posting interesting and informative content. Try to avoid using language which is too casual and, instead, aim for friendly but professional. 

You’ve got mail

While this one may be a little divisive, there are some very good reasons for making email a big focus of your insurance marketing strategy, including: 

  • Demographics – People who are buying insurance are, statistically, older and more settled. Although a significant number of these people might use social media, they absolutely will use email. 
  • Professionalism – As a general rule, a business email comes across as more professional than messaging via social media. 
  • Trustability – These days, the news is constantly full of stories about social media scams and this makes a lot of people wary of spending money with companies that they have seen on Facebook or LinkedIn. Email, on the other hand, has more trustworthy connotations – particularly with older demographics. 

Creating email marketing for insurance agents offers more flexibility than social media, allowing for better dialogue and conversations.

When looking at email marketing always: 

  • Personalize where possible
  • Research your audience
  • Include a killer call to action
  • Prepare a follow up email

While some may see it as a little old school, email marketing is a vital tool for the insurance industry and one that can produce great results when done properly. 

Sharing is caring

The insurance industry lends itself perfectly to content such as blogs and articles as there’s no end of topics to be explored. 

Be sure to include a blog on your website and get into the habit of sharing your blog posts on your social media channels. 


When it comes to common consumer items such as insurance, people tend to trust in other people’s opinions. For this reason, it’s vital that you regularly include customer reviews on your website and on your social media channels. 

A word of warning – don’t ever be tempted to make up fake reviews or to buy them as this will almost always come back to bite you at some point and will quickly erode your company’s credibility. 


We’ve already mentioned the power of other people’s opinions in the last section – and a savvy marketer can take this one step further. 

Milosz Krasinski, MD at Chilli Fruit says – Setting up a referral program is a fantastic way of not just gaining new customers but, also, improving your brand’s reputation. While this may take a little while and some investment, it can really pay dividends in the long run for the forward-thinking insurance agency. 

Honesty is the best policy

The insurance industry often gets a bad reputation in the media and with the public and much of this is down to disingenuous tactics. 

When somebody takes out an insurance policy, they’re relying on it to protect their home, their possessions or their driving. This can make insurance quite an emotive subject and when a company is less than honest or indulges in devious tactics, emotions can run high. 

To gain credibility and trust with customers, always be clear and honest about what you’re offering and what your terms are – and make this clear in your marketing.

Also Read: How To Find The Best Insurance Company?  



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