knowRX: Consumer Friendly Application That Connects With Healthcare Entities For Better Care


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Though the healthcare industry has made significant progress in the last decade, there is still a lot medical providers can do to deliver better patient experience around medication adherence, starting from when a drug is prescribed to when it is received and ultimately taken or administered. With the chance to use information progressively, physicians can more effectively prescribe medications, foresee the probability of drug adherence, and design proper strategies to support adherence. Promising to deliver a better solution, knowRX developed an accessible drug management mobile application, which is designed to promote wellbeing through physician engagement with guided nutritional and holistic insights.

Boosting Better Health, Wellness, and Accountability

Initiated in 2019, knowRX addresses medication non-adherence through intake accountability, scheduling, knowledge awareness and by promoting patient to physician engagement in near-real time. The company’s vision is to provide the health providers with drug usage, key wellness performance by patients, and making sure that consumers have access to crucial drug information that boosts better health, individual welfare, and accountability while helping consumers manage their day at the most important time.


Using the digital device, smartphone, Franklin with his team developed an accessible drug management application named as knowRX™. This application offers features that enable patients and their families to monitor and schedule drug intake. knowRX leverages modern technologies such as Salesforce Health Cloud, Blockchain, Machine Learning, and FHIR to deliver better quality care across networks. Through this drug management app, the company aids in improving the health of patients as well as provides opportunities to connect with physician, payers, and pharmaceuticals.

knowRX ™: A Convenient Drug Management Solution

knowRX™ is a mobile online application that monitors, schedules, and provides feedback on drug usage (prescription and over-the-counter) for consumers and with designated healthcare organizations. It promotes making choices towards a healthy and fulfilling life, accountability, and consumer feedback through drug completion. The drug management app is designed to keep the consumers first when directing prescriptions, over-the counter medicines or supplements led by physician and pharmacist engagement. This application assists consumers, providers, payers, and pharmaceuticals in drug management.

With this application, customers can monitor their medicine intake schedule, have convenient support when required, gain and preserve knowledge about the drugs they are taking as well as access of additional insights into homeopathic approaches for well-being. The physicians gain insights into the patients’ lives even outside of their clinics or hospitals and can participate further in the administration and welfare of the patients. The patients can easily connect with pharmacists for their secure supply of medicines. The payers can oversee the process of patients under physician care and reward them for good performance. During a clinical trial, the principal investigator can have better drug usage monitoring while staying engaged with participants.

Encountering Ordeals with Modern Technologies

The consumers’ health is barricaded since the industry is slow at adopting the latest trends and technologies to enhance its workflow and laws governing access to patients’ records. This has resulted in silos of patients’ records between healthcare entities. To tackle this, knowRX is offering a secured HIPAA application along with a de-identified subset of data that provides actionable intelligence to the consumers, physicians, and industry organizations such as pharmaceuticals, providers, and payers that rewards the consumers. In this way, the company protects the patients’ information and helps healthcare organizations gather data for research.

Setting Useful Goals

The Austin, Texas-based company has set useful goals that will help them deliver better care. knowRX’s short-term goal is to progress out of Founders Institute’s pre-seed accelerator. After this, the company plans to deliver an MVP app in the market and drive consumer adoption and feedback while aligning itself for clinical trial customers. On the other hand, its long-term goal is to save lives by altering how protocols and healthcare data exchange takes place as well as implement care plans on drug intake. It also further plans to empower physicians with enhanced patient engagements and analysis systems.

A Visionary Leader Helping to Improve Healthcare Services

David S. Franklin, the Founder of knowRX established the company to address drug usage adherence a couple of years prior while he attended the HIMSS national conference. What solidified the foundation of knowRX was the experience he received during his father’s treatments. David witnessed that the attendees did not have the “knowledge” in a consumable format to see things coming and simply followed and relied on protocols given to them. Due to these protocols, David’s father suffered badly and lost his life. That is when he realized that he had to bring knowRX into existence.

As the CEO, David has multiple responsibilities to play such as administer & recruit passionate employees and then support them in knowRX’s design to challenge and accelerate its growth. Being a team player, he shares his vision with others so that they can take the product to the next level and improve lives for better. With the team of knowRX, David will complete his vision, which is becoming a reality right now, as they bring it to life for the benefit of others.


Additionally, he has observed that many healthcare models have the provider or other organizations in the middle of the equation. Hence, David believes that the patients should always be at the center of the equation and conversation. Ultimately, it is all about patient engagement and how these organizations provide improved quality of care through shared knowledge & resources, which supports the physicians in their decision-making processes.

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