Fisetin Supplements Its Benefits

Fisetin Supplements Its Benefits, Dosage, and Recommendations

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When searching for a suitable therapeutic compound, it’s prudent to focus primarily on safety and efficacy. Not only should the identified substance possess potent medicinal properties. It should also be safe enough not to trigger worrying adverse effects. 

Fisetin-containing supplements are some of alternative medicine advocates’ most highly recommended products, mainly due to their immense healing benefits. These products are noted for their efficacy against various ailments (both acute and chronic) without inducing significant adverse reactions. 

Here’s a comprehensive guide to fisetin supplements, focusing on their perceived health benefits, safety profile, and dosage guidelines.

What Is Fisetin?

Fisetin, chemically known as 7,3′,4′-flavan-3-ol, is a plant flavonol in the flavonoid group of polyphenols. The compound exists in numerous plants and is predominantly available as an ochre coloring agent. 

Common fisetin-producing plants include various acacia species (such as Acacia berlandieri and Acacia greggii). The substance is also prevalent in the honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos), the parrot tree (Butea frondosa), and the Eurasian smoke tree (Rhus cotinus). 

Certain fruits and vegetables, including cucumbers, apples, strawberries, onions, and persimmons, also account for significant fisetin secretions. 

One way to increase your fisetin intake is through dietary supplements. The good news is that fisetin supplements are more available today than before. You only need to identify a supplement brand that deals in high-potent, organically sourced fisetin products.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Fisetin Supplements?

1. Prolonging Longevity 

Fisetin’s anti-aging properties are among the primary reasons behind its popularity. Increased fisetin intake has been linked to higher sirtuin activation. 

Sirtuins are protein deacetylases that prolong longevity by preventing DNA damage and aiding DNA repair. Findings from laboratory tests have established increased sirtuin stimulation with a longer lifespan among multiple organisms, including mice, worms, flies, and even yeast. 

High sirtuin levels are also instrumental in modulating the body’s inflammatory responses and supporting antioxidative defenses.

2. Alleviating Inflammation

 Alleviating Inflammation

Increased fisetin intake can impact sirtuin production directly. And as already hinted, high levels of sirtuins in the bloodstream might attenuate inflammatory responses. 

But that’s not all. 

Additional research points to fisetin’s ability to inhibit the production and signaling of pro-inflammatory cytokines. The compound diminishes cytokine activity by desensitizing various signaling pathways, such as the MAPK/ERK, PI3K/Akt, and NF-κB pathways.

3. Fighting Carcinogenic Cells

Cancer is an insidious illness whose treatment success depends on two primary factors – early diagnosis and preventive measures. It turns out that supplementing with fisetin might help to nip this disease in the bud by preventing cancerous cells from developing and proliferating. 

Fisetin’s anti-carcinogenic properties are due to its inhibitory effects on various intracellular signaling pathways, including those responsible for regulating cell survival and apoptosis. 

The compound may also prevent benign tumors from turning malignant while neutralizing malignant tumors before they metastasize.

4. Improving Gut Health

Unknown to many people, the gut plays a pivotal role in maintaining the body’s immune system. An unhealthy gut can open you up to numerous health issues. 

Fortunately, this is another area where fisetin has proven remarkably beneficial. 

Supplementing with fisetin’s antioxidant properties can help reduce oxidative stress in the gut. This might consequently promote a healthier gut lining while lowering the risks of inflammatory, metabolic, and gastrointestinal disorders. 

5. Boosting Memory Consolidation and Cognitive Health

 Boosting Memory Consolidation and Cognitive Health

Are you always struggling to recall information learned from a few days ago? If yes, then it might interest you to know that fisetin is a potential solution for unretentive memory. 

There’s a growing body of scientific evidence suggesting that fisetin might boost long-term memory by inhibiting neuronal cell death. 

Thanks to its ability to prevent neurodegeneration, fisetin may improve other cognitive aspects besides memory consolidation, including learning abilities, socialization, and attention span. 

Consuming fisetin supplements could be a proactive measure against neurodegenerative diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s. These products may also guard against behavioral abnormalities, especially among children. 

6. Relieving Stress and Anxiety

One of the common concerns with conventional antidepressants is their susceptibility to adverse effects. That explains the growing interest in alternative interventions like fisetin supplements. Research has established a relationship between high fisetin levels and increased serotonin signaling

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays a key role in regulating mental health. The chemical is most noted for its ability to induce feelings of happiness and optimism in people with chronic anxiety disorders. 

Increasing serotonin signaling for stress relief is so effective that there’s a class of conventional antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

7. Maintaining Heart Health

Fisetin may also keep certain heart and cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) at bay. 

Animal-based studies have found that the compound might protect the cardiovascular system against myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury by neutralizing the adverse effects of oxidative stress in the mitochondria.

Fisetin supplements may also induce apoptosis of diseased cells in the cardiovascular system, lowering the incidence of heart disease. 

How Much Fisetin to Consume?

How Much Fisetin to Consume?

Many studies cite 100 – 500 mg of fisetin as the recommended daily dosage. 

However, it’s difficult to calculate fisetin’s ideal dosage, considering that most studies investigating the compound’s therapeutic properties were conducted on animals. 

A good rule of thumb is starting low and incrementally working your way up. Remember that while no severe adverse effects have been reported so far, an overdose might trigger certain gastrointestinal issues or allergic reactions.

Wrap Up

There goes our beginner’s guide to fisetin supplements. Hopefully, you can now integrate these therapeutic products into your lifestyle better.

Also Read: How TryCreate’s Creatine Supplements Fuel Your Workouts



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