EnviroSolar Power: Harnessing Solar Energy to Enrich Homes

EnviroSolar Power

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Sustainability is a matter of grave concern for the world today. It is a thought that has now become a global movement, an undeniable cause, and a commitment from businesses. The number of organizations and businesses are striving for sustainability has increased hastily. Alongside, eco-friendly practices and lifestyle choices have become prevalent among the masses—empowering and upholding the ubiquitous movement.

From SMBs to MNCs, the entire business world has begun to take admirable initiatives towards environmentalism and sustainability. Along with corporate zero-carbon initiatives, green-tech businesses like EnviroSolar Power are providing efficient energy management solutions for domestic purposes simultaneously. It has developed smart home security and management system that uses electricity generated by rooftop solar panels. This individualistic effort is further encouraging eco-friendly practices by making a mini power utility center out of a house. 

Developing Solar-Smart-Homes

EnviroSolar Power was founded by Abe Issa in 2016 with an aim to help homeowners transform their houses into remote-controlled solar smart-home residences. It has rigorously worked within the GreenTech sphere to establish a sense of responsibility within the people. 

Today, EnviroSolar Power is the first company in the US that has integrated solar power generation and smart homes as one seamless platform. The company is also celebrated as one of the country’s top rooftop solar power solution providers. Over the years, it has employed a wide network of partners and installed thousands of systems throughout the country.

“EnviroSolar Power evolved into what it became—being one of the first players we definitely ran into a lot of trial and error,” mentioned Abe (CEO at EnviroSolar Power.) 

Contributing to a Greener Future

Solar power is one of the cleanest forms of energy, however, it is not widely adopted. The primary reason being, the cost of Photovoltaic (PV) or solar panels. However, with the sustenance initiative in play, the cost of installation for solar energy generating systems has lowered. Rising to the opportunity, EnviroSolar Power has developed a unique energy-efficient solar power generation system for homes. When active, the roof-mounted PV panels generate electricity, which instead of storing is sent back to the grid. This notable process, in turn, saves electricity expenses while producing green energy for commercial use. 

Additionally, the system also equips the homeowner with automation, surveillance, security, energy monitoring, power management, and more essential tools. Due to these powerful tools, financial incentives, and rebates, many homeowners across the US have installed EnviroSolar Power—as a key contributor to a sustainable future.

Enabling Efficient Transformation

EnviroSolar Power focuses on the effective transformation of homes for a sustainable future. The company offers homeowners free audits without any obligations to purchase. It provides highly valuable solutions to address the discovered issues. On purchase of the system, the team helps customers adapt to the modification. Additionally, it implements unique strategies like educating about solar options and suggesting free or low-cost DIY solutions as well as possibilities for efficient smart-home upgrades. 

The energy assessment process is also very simple. Post scheduling an appointment, EnviroSolar Power sends a highly trained professional that carefully analyzes and provides an assessment. The two hours test involves a check for solar electric compatibilities, thermal intolerances, unbalanced HVAC systems, roof structure, air leaks, shade issues, and more.

An Eco-Conscious Leader

Creating a company that receives numerous accolades for its contributions to green energy and sustainability is not easy. Abe subsequently put together his passion and drive to work for the betterment of the planet. Despite being successful in the real estate and finance industry, Abe concentrated his business efforts on green energy and sustainability through innovation as an entrepreneur. Under his leadership, EnviroSolar Power has grown to be a premier provider of solar, smart home, and security solutions in the US.

“Greentech is here to stay—there will be lots of unique and innovative technologies coming to market in the near future,” states Abe.

Over the past five years, Abe Issa has scaled numerous cleantech companies nationwide and employed thousands of people. With true dedication and a thought process to revolutionize, the entrepreneur himself has been recognized with multiple awards. Abe has received Stevie Awards, EY Entrepreneur of the Year Finalist, and CEO World Award as Environmental Sustainability Leader, and many more.

Additionally, he is implementing transformative efforts with his brainchild the ‘Issa Foundation’—which has been engaged in identifying non-profit organizations. In partnership, the foundation promotes its vision for a sustainable future. The partners also include social projects that focus on energy efficiency and sustainability education for the children.

A Celebrated Team

Over the years, EnviroSolar Power has assembled a vibrant team that understands the company’s goals. The vision, the playbooks, and systems are in place for them to implement and execute. Every individual works hard to deliver value for the company. As a result, EnviroSolar Power was accredited as the 2nd fastest-growing private company in the US during 2017 by the INC Magazine. It has been a top solar company nationally in terms of originations. Additionally, EnviroSolar Power has been recognized by Stevie Awards, Solar Power Magazine, and has also been involved in several non-profit activities throughout the country.

Growing Constantly

EnviroSolar Power is witnessing constant growth with its differentiated model. With a goal to become a leading solar energy-based solution provider, the company will continue to work hard and rank up. It is committed to creating jobs within the country and building a cleaner environment while continually reinforcing customer satisfaction. Abe feels that “the decade of solar-powered growth is here.” 

Leader’s Advice:

Abe Issa quote

Read full issue: The 10 Sustainable Green Tech Companies, 2021

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