Dr. Chutamas Vongvorakit: A Philanthropist Leader On A Mission To Make A Difference In The Society

Despite the disparity between genders in the workforce, women leaders are dominating the industry with their exceptional vision and leadership skills. Today, women are successfully climbing the corporate ladder and taking C-suite positions which were previously reserved for men, by performing exceptionally at all the given tasks. This has changed the market scenario, as in the past few years, more women participation is witnessed.

Changing the face of the finance industry with the excellent game-changing strategy, Dr. Chutamas Vongvorakit is a pioneer in providing innovative business solutions that help build and scale profitable and sustainable enterprises and is dedicated to social and environmental change. Regardless of belonging to a rich enterprising background, she has had her fair share of challenges filled roller-coaster journey but she independently led her way to success. Today, Dr. Chutamas is the Co-founder and Executive Director of a multi-billion organization, Anametrics Holding Limited.

Qualities of an Industry Game-Changer

As a leader, the lists of responsibilities are endless but the way one tackle’s the hardships is what defines the kind of leader one is. There is not a definite set of qualities that would make one an exceptionally talented leader but there are some key qualities that one should inevitably possess. Dr. Chutamas Vongvorakit believes that to be an industry game-changer, one should be honest, and be ready with crisp and clear directions to lead out the company through the challenges. With the rising competition every minute, it remains a matter of fact that creativity is important. The novel industry demands a creative approach. One should be ingenious and think outside-of-the-box, by taking an inventive critical thinking path to accommodate new ideas. Finally, one should be thankful for everything. Dr. Chutamas Vongvorakit feels that dwelling between the difficulties and success, being alive is already a blessing from God which we neglect instead of being grateful for.

The Impact of Mentorship on the Journey

Dr. Chutamas Vongvorakit is a social entrepreneur who not only owns but also manages, partners, and consults a wide spectrum of international businesses and clients. She states that her life has been severely impacted by a few people at specific stages of life, making her the person that she is today. Her Vongvorakit family ensured that as a child, Dr. Chutamas understood the importance of values such as hard work, perseverance, and the need for sacrifice in all things big or small. Her Godfather, General Terdsak Marom, guided her after graduation by teaching her the accurate etiquette of life, and taught to manoeuvre within the intricacy of multifaceted societies. In addition, her Godbrother and mentor throughout the industry who has crafted her business instincts is C.K.Low. His business acumen and strategic thinking forms the fundamental platform of her approach to each and every business with the intention of a “win-win” philosophy.

Keep On Going Stronger Despite the Competition

Dr. Chutamas Vongvorakit is one of the Co-founders of Anametrics. The founders build the company from a mere US$100,000 to its current multi-billion dollar status. Anametrics was not huge overnight; it required patience, constant efforts, and faith to become a successful organization. Even the difficulties and road blocks could not stop the firm from emerging strong and successful. Everyone wants to be a part of a successful company, but being part of an emerging company through the struggles is what people tend to avoid. Chutamas personally feels that she is thankful for the fellow directors’ support throughout Anametrics’ stormy years.

Anametrics’ founders believe in ‘Everyone can succeed’ mantra. Success is the achievement of the desired outcome within a pre-defined period. Keeping their personal journey in mind, the founding team has been evolving for more than a decade in fulfilling the fundamentals of innovative start-ups and SMEs reach their full potential by providing services like proprietary management and trade finance expertise to make them more successful. In addition to these, the multi-billion dollar company also offers services like structured finance, private equity, global trade finance, market & investor services, trust services, commodities trading, and investment banking globally.

Anametrics Holdings’ Guide to Survival

The exceptional leader believes that her company is unique as to the nature of its approach towards business. Because, it’s only the ‘unique’ that would survive in the thriving competition. Moreover, keeping this in mind, Chutamas made sure that the company’s approach is more novel and creative than the others. Anametrics places its people first, because at the end of the day, its employees are the ones who matter and contribute the most to the company. Individually, she may be a strong leader but collectively as a team, they become more powerful. Her long-term plan is to inspire more female entrepreneurs to emerge in the field by overcoming the obstacles and barriers. The internet is a helping tool that has its own benefits for the business as well as to inspire and educate the individuals. Such is its power that the worldwideweb has made many borders, borderless.

“You Don’t Need a Title to Be a Leader, You Lead By Example” says Dr. Chutamas

In the spiritually challenged world, there are few people who believe in God and have faith in the holy divine. Faith is like a pillar to the inspirations of our lives. May it be a holy spirit or the person we admire; having faith in them inspires us and enlightens our paths. Dr. Chutamas believes that God teaches us that genuine faith is more precious than gold that soon perishes. She further adds, “We can expect difficulties and persecutions in our life of faith, as well as blessings. Therefore, to encourage more people to hold onto and develop their faith is to lead by example.”

Future Energy Sustainability amongst the Disparities

Dr. Chutamas is a woke Thai social entrepreneur who is an ardent promoter of social and environmental impact issues, stressed by the importance of eradicating poverty, and shifting the world away from the dirty fossil fuels and toward a cleaner, renewable sources of power. She believes that clean energy should be used to drive economic growth and help pursue a greener and sustainable future of power production. She hopes to build a more sustainable business around the world, primarily to reduce social and economic disparities amongst the world today.

The Crazy Vision makes you Extraordinary

As famously quoted, “People who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who actually do.” It is the crazy vision that separates the extraordinary from the ordinary crowd. Dr. Chutamas, being a social entrepreneur, has taken up the responsibility to overcome food deprivation in some parts of the world. Currently, one-third of the world is facing famine daily with the number only rising day-by-day. To sit and wait for the change is not her type of approach. She explains, “We can no longer sit and wait for things to happen any longer and that is the reason why I started my roadmap in sustainability, traveling all over the world to present the feasibilities and benefits of impact investments.” Her efforts have today waved her path closer to her ideology of engaging in food hub projects and providing a subtle push to support cross border investments. She does this by providing the financial algorithm and able to achieve the scale of economies in growing the global business locally. This approach is not only profitable economically but also socially helps to solve the problem of famine as food hub can generate enormous profits, and also feed the people when and where needed.

Message for the Budding Women Leaders of the Business World

Being an extraordinary leader that she is, Chutamas feels there is no size fit to all answers. Different leaders have a different perspective and a different approach. However, the key elements can be leadership capabilities, decision-making, conflict resolution, emotional intelligence, team leadership, and consensus-building, which are the key parameters, required in developing the next generations of women leaders. She further adds that the most fundamental attribute is whatever the leaders do, they need to have a clear conscience. It needs to be their voice to prepare them in today’s challenging environment.

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