
DayZ Vehicle Guide: Finding and Maintaining Vehicles

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Day Z Vehicle is a widely acclaimed open-world vehicle game developed by Bohemia Interactive. 

The game has gained popularity due to the realistic experience that wants its players to fight against the environment and look for resources and shelter to survive. The players of DayZ undergo a deadly virus outbreak through which most have been infected. 

These players are not dead but alive humans whose only aim is to spread the virus through violence. 

While on their journey from the coast to inland to towns and other places to spread the virus, players gather food, water, clothing, arms, and ammunition to survive. These players also look for vehicles to travel across the map speedily and repair them if necessary. 

Finding and maintaining vehicles in DayZ can be tricky. Knowing where to look for cars and how to repair them to keep them running is vital for a DayZ player. 

This guide will help you learn the basics of finding and maintaining vehicles in DayZ to get back on the road quickly. 

How To Find The Best Vehicles For Yourself In DayZ?

Undoubtedly, in the first few hours of DayZ, you will waste time vagabonding, looking for food and other necessities, and getting killed. 

But while you are halfway through, you will realize that walking down the street threatens life. Hence, most players keep resources, arms, ammunition, and vehicles. Owning a car is the best and safest thing to do as you begin playing DayZ. 

DayZ has a few vehicles that can be used, such as:

  • ADA 4×4 (in real: Lada Niva)
  • Olga 24 (Volga GAZ-24)
  • Gunter 2 (VW Golf 2)
  • Sarka 120 (Å koda 120)
  • M3S Truck (Praga V3S)

But finding them out amidst a vast terrain is a challenging task. Hence, we have got you covered with the ways you can find the vehicles to ride safely:

  • While you are looting and bombing around the region, you can find vehicles lying around. 
  • Suppose you are looking for a specific vehicle. In that case, you can use the iZurvive website, allowing players to see the entire map of DayZ. 
  • Use the interactive map to locate the vehicles. But it is not guaranteed that the cars will be found at the marked spots, but it will definitely be around it. 

Tips and Tricks on Maintaining Your Vehicles In The DayZ

The vehicles are used as a carrier of the players and other necessary items needed for survival. They are found lying in several places and are in different conditions. The vehicles are sometimes in good condition, or it has run down with missing parts, broken, or running short of fuel. The vehicles in worn-out condition require repair, which is to be done by the players to use the vehicle. 

Vehicles in DayZ are featured with high-resolution power until they are entirely run down, have been obsolete for a long time, or have been kept beyond the gaming area of DayZ. If lost, the vehicle will be replaced at a random location. 

However, if the vehicle’s condition has deteriorated, it must be repaired. Here’s how: 

  • If the doors, hoods, and trunks have been affected, it neither needs repair nor replacement to keep them going. However, you can use Epoxy Putty to repair the door to increase its tenure. Still, it will not be able to fix the broken windows. 
  • If the wheel is damaged, it shows the wheel without the tire. To mend the wheel, use the Tire Repair Kit.
  • To overhaul the engine, use the Blowtorch. The car informs you if the engine needs to be repaired by blinking the light on the turn rate dial. While in the car, the light flashes on the check engine to inform you. 
  • The radiator cannot be repaired but needs a replacement, which should be done immediately if damaged. If damaged, the radiator leaks and uses more water. 
  • Like the radiator, the spark plugs need replacement and cannot be repaired. It is always advisable to have an extra spark plug because a damaged spark plug will not allow the engine to start. 
  • In case the battery of the vehicle is affected, use the Electrical Repair Kit. 
  • If the fuel tanks are empty, you can fill them at the nearby gas stations. 


The DayZ is a strategic game, using all your brain to survive the outbreak. From taking the lives of other players to conspiring with others against other players. This game will keep you up with bated breath till the end. 

But no matter how much you use your brains to play strategically, some competitors use DayZ hacks. These hacks will quickly let you eliminate them from the game, and all your energy will be wasted. So, it is recommended that you use hacks and cheats by Battlelog to be ahead of your competitors while playing DayZ. 



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