Cybersecurity Myths Debunked

4 Cybersecurity Myths Debunked

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Cybersecurity is something that businesses and individuals are more concerned about than ever before. Attackers are using incredibly sophisticated tools and techniques, and with so much personal data floating around, the stakes have never been higher.

And yet it’s human knowledge that’s consistently proving the greatest barrier to proper security. Persistent falsehoods around the practice create vulnerabilities that needn’t exist.

Let’s take a look at four of the most damaging of these myths.

Myth 1: Having a decent password is enough

It’s difficult to come up with a password that’s both difficult for a stranger to guess and easy for you to remember. That’s why password managers have become so popular in recent years. Of course, for maximum protection, passwords should also be changed regularly. That way, if a password is leaked, it won’t be out in the public realm for good.

Myth 2: Only big business is targeted

Major businesses might provide the biggest headlines for hackers, but it’s small businesses that prove the more attractive. There has been a shift over the past decade towards smaller and more vulnerable businesses.

Moreover, a recent survey commissioned by Vodafone concluded that around a quarter of UK SMEs would be unable to cope with the average cost of a cyberattack, which means preparing for disaster is more important than ever. One of the easiest ways of doing this is through specialised cyber insurance cover.

Myth 3: IT staff will help no matter what

While your business’s internal IT department will have the skills to deal with a range of computer problems, and they certainly have a role to play in keeping systems updated so you’re protected against viruses and malware, they usually can’t offer the specialised skills needed to repel hackers.

For the most part, an organisation’s security is only as strong as the weakest link, which means getting everyone up to speed on the dangers of phishing, the importance of passwords, and other common issues is paramount.

Myth 4: Only desktop users need to worry

Desktop computers might be the most used devices in a business environment (although this is increasingly no longer the case), but any device that’s networked to your system might constitute a vulnerability. This means mobile phones and tablets, and even Internet of Things-connected peripherals might be vulnerable. Famously, a US casino was once hacked via the fish tank in the lobby, through which the intruders were able to get into the rest of the system. Don’t fall for the same problem and have your cybersecurity rules apply to all the devices you use.

Also Read:- Improvements Of Cybersecurity By AI And Its Applications



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