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Shane Mahon
Is it time for the entry level SLS 3D printer?
After 35 years of skyrocketing development of additive manufacturing, the market is full of different solutions. For the newcomer it is hard to figure out ...
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Sairam Vedam Fixing Customer Issues
Customer Service: Turn Crisis into Opportunity With Conversational Service Automation
If you think your customer service needs a fix, you aren’t alone. Bad customer experience could potentially disrupt businesses, a fact reinforced by a recent ...
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Arun Gandhi and Sunil Kotagiri
This Movement Needs A RIGHT Protection
Cloud adoption has been a “movement” as most businesses today (big or small) have one or more applications running in the cloud. Gartner predicts that ...
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Operational & Compliance Risk
How should businesses monitor their operational and compliance risks?
There are countless types of risk.  When risk management is discussed, most refer to the portfolio risk and if the organization’s financial decisions are leading ...
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Best Practices for Creating Compelling Conversational Experiences for Your Customers on WhatsApp
I get asked a lot of questions. I’m a CTO. I expect people to ask me questions. Crazy, geeky, technical questions, because they know I’ll ...
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Maciej Burzynski
How to cut down product launching costs?
Maciej Burzyński is a product designer in Sybet, a Polish company that creates integrated security systems for the mining industry. He carries enormous responsibility, not ...
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Where To Begin If You Want To Deploy AI In Your Business Operations
There is no denying artificial intelligence is the conversation of the decade. Since a few highly specialized industries starting using it years ago, it has ...
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Katherine Colombino
The 7 Keys to Success
Success is a word that acquires a special and different meaning for each person. Obviously being successful does not imply being happy, they are different ...
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eSign Web Services
Market Your Business Online More Effectively in 2019
I bet you aren’t aware of the statistic that almost two-thirds of small business owners are responsible for at least three of the following areas ...
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AI machine learning deep learning
AI, Machine Learning, & Deep Learning: A Brief
Thanks to directors such as Lana Wachowski and James Cameron who manifested a great deal of the impacts of ‘Artificial Intelligence’ in their movies, making ...
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Not All Data Heroes Wear Capes
Big data is a big deal. Every second, people around the world are creating new data and companies are collecting new data. In the race ...
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Deploying AI solution
Deploying AI solutions? Here are 5 risks to mitigate
Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems are proliferating across industries, moving away from the buzz to industrialised implementations. Financial services, telecom, retail, logistics, media are examples of ...
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