Editors’ Choice

Setting Goals
8 Most Important Steps in the Process of Setting Goals
A desirable outcome that someone carefully decides on plans to meet and commits to is generally known as a goal. The kind of life you ...
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Time Management Interview Questions
10 Insightful Time Management Interview Questions and Answers
With the proliferation of smartphones and increased use of social media, people are getting distracted and spending their time on unnecessary things. If they are ...
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what is productivity
Productivity: A Benchmark to Evaluate Excellence
“An ability to produce”, perhaps no other phrase could have described productivity as subtly. Every company goes through audits on a regular basis by the ...
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influencer marketing
Influencer Marketing: A Tactic Expected to Last for Years
Marketing is the backbone of a business. A business can neither be started nor completed without marketing. The bottom line of any business is to ...
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Brand Marketing
Brand Marketing at Present and Far Beyond
Firstly let us discuss what does brand means? First and foremost what is a brand? Where did it all get started? Who were the first ...
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Meme marketing
Did social media just introduce a new ‘Meme-dium’ for marketing?
When we look at the marketing schemes, it requires many efforts like recording a video, having a professional photo shoot of the brand, and many ...
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International Yoga Day
International Yoga Day: Embrace Healthy Life Today for a Better Tomorrow
The International Yoga Day (21 June) is celebrated to unite the world with an ancient physical, mental, and spiritual practice that originated in India. The ...
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Modern Technologies Alter Human Lives
6 Modern Technologies That Are Altering the Human Lives
In the last few decades, many technologies have emerged and transformed human life. These technologies integrated with the devices make any task easier to do. ...
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VUCA World on the corporates
The severity of the VUCA world on the corporates. What it demands from their leaders?
VUCA: The Origins   VUCA—the term first produced and implemented by The U.S. Army War College to train their officers in the response of collapse of the USSR ...
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Spiritual Awakening benefits
Benefits of Spiritual Awakening for Successful Professional Life
Spirituality in the business is a movement that began in the early 1920’s and has emerged as a grassroots movement with individuals practicing spirituality in ...
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Profits From Startup Investments
How Entrepreneurs Can Gain Huge Profits From Startup Investments ?
Investing in startup firms was something that was reserved for the investors having a strong venture capital. However, times have changed for startup businesses and ...
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Nobel Prize Winners
Top Inventions in Medicine by Nobel Prize Winners
The Nobel Prize is a well-known international award based on the fortune of Alfred Nobel, and regulated by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm, Sweden. On ...
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