How Businesses Can Benefit From Being More Sustainable

Going Green: How Businesses Can Benefit From Being More Sustainable

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In the wake of the increasing global awareness of climate change and environmental degradation, there has been a call for businesses to adopt sustainable practices. Green business practices are no longer a fad but a necessity for businesses that wish to thrive in the twenty-first century. Customers are becoming increasingly aware of the impact of their purchases on the environment, and they now favor companies that align with their values. Fortunately, going green is not only beneficial to the environment but is also a smart business decision. 

How Non-renewable Energy Sources Are Contributing to Climate Change

Non-renewable sources of energy, including coal, oil, and gas, commonly used by businesses, emit large amounts of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These greenhouse gases consequently trap heat in the atmosphere, causing a rise in global temperatures and other climate changes such as frequent and severe weather, rising sea levels, and ocean acidification.

Businesses also indirectly contribute to climate change through their supply chain operations: fossil fuel-powered vehicles are involved in the transportation of their products or services.

Businesses also use non-recyclable or non-biodegradable packaging materials, further contributing to environmental degradation.

Carbon Footprint Tracking

Carbon footprint tracking is an indispensable tool for businesses seeking to reduce their environmental impact. By measuring the amount of greenhouse gas emissions through their operations, businesses can identify problem areas and develop counter-strategies to reduce their carbon footprint. According to a report by the Carbon Trust, a typical business can reduce its carbon emissions by 20% through simple energy-efficient measures.

LeaseAccelerator is one company that provides carbon footprint tracking for enterprises. Their solution helps businesses track and report their carbon emissions accurately and efficiently. The solution provides real-time visibility into emissions data and enables businesses to identify opportunities for improvement. It also generates reports that comply with regulatory requirements, ensuring that businesses are in compliance with environmental regulations.

Additionally, LeaseAccelerator offers a range of sustainability solutions. Their software helps businesses optimize fleet operations to reduce emissions and improve fuel efficiency. The software also enables businesses to track the environmental impact of their supply chain. By adopting LeaseAccelerator’s solutions, businesses can track their carbon footprint, reduce their environmental impact, and demonstrate their commitment to sustainability.

Cost Savings through Sustainable Practices

One of the most significant benefits of going green for businesses is the cost savings associated with adopting sustainable practices. By implementing energy-efficient measures, such as using LED lights, installing solar panels, utilizing wind power, reducing waste, or implementing water conservation methods, businesses can reduce their dependency on non-renewable energy sources and significantly cut down their energy bills. Investing in refurbished all-in-one computers can also contribute to cost savings through sustainable practices by reducing electronic waste and extending the life cycle of computer hardware. In the long run, these practices can reduce the need for expensive repairs and maintenance, resulting in further cost savings. According to data collected by the US Department of Energy, a typical commercial building can save up to 35% on energy costs by implementing energy-efficient measures.

Tax Incentives and Rebates

Another financial benefit of going green is the tax incentives and rebates available to businesses that adopt sustainable practices. Governments worldwide are incentivizing businesses to become more sustainable by offering tax credits and rebates for adopting sustainable practices. For instance, the UK government offers a range of tax incentives and grants amounting to GBP 134 million to businesses that invest in renewable energy and energy-efficient measures. The Australian government offers tax incentives for businesses that install solar panels or other forms of renewable energy. Businesses can also benefit from state and local incentives in the US, such as tax credits of up to 30% for energy-efficient building upgrades.

Increased Revenue from Green Products and Services

As more consumers become environmentally conscious, there is a growing demand for green and viable products and services. According to a study by Nielsen, 48% of consumers globally purchase products that are environmentally friendly. By prioritizing sustainability, businesses can tap into this growing market and increase their revenue. For example, IKEA’s sustainable product range increased its revenue by 25% between 2015 and 2019. Similarly, Unilever’s sustainable brands grew 69% faster than its non-sustainable brands in 2018.

According to a report by Nielsen, 66% of consumers are willing to pay a higher amount for products and services from companies committed to environmental sustainability.

Competitive Advantage

Businesses that prioritize sustainability can also gain a competitive advantage in the market. By promoting their commitment to environmental sustainability, businesses can differentiate themselves from their market competitors and attract environmentally conscious consumers. According to a study by Cone Communications, 91% of global consumers are likelier to switch to a company that supports a good cause, such as the environment. 

In addition, businesses that prioritize sustainability can build stronger relationships with stakeholders, including investors and customers, who are increasingly seeking sustainable businesses to align with. A report by BCG found that companies with a strong sustainability agenda outperformed their peers in terms of stock market value and financial performance.

Enhanced Reputation and Brand Image

In addition to gaining a competitive advantage, businesses that prioritize sustainability can also enhance their reputation and brand image. By adopting sustainable practices, businesses can show their commitment to environmental responsibility and social sustainability, improving their brand image and increasing consumer loyalty. A study by Unilever found that one-third of consumers choose to buy from brands they believe are doing social or environmental good.

study by Cone Communications found that 84% of consumers actively seek out environmentally responsible products, and 92% are more likely to trust a company that supports social or environmental issues. By demonstrating an unswerving commitment to sustainability, businesses can build rapport.

Employee Morale and Retention

Businesses that adopt sustainable practices can also improve employee morale and retention. Employees are likelier to be engaged and motivated when they work for a company that shares their values. By demonstrating a commitment to environmental sustainability, businesses can attract and retain employees who are passionate about making an impact on the world. Sustainable practices can also create a more positive work environment, which can result in increased job satisfaction and reduced turnover rates.

Regulatory Compliance

In many industries, there are strict regulations surrounding environmental sustainability. Businesses that fail to comply with regulations risk facing costly fines, penalties, and damage to their reputation. Adopting sustainable practices can help them stay ahead of regulatory changes, which can result in a more stable and predictable business environment. 

Businesses that demonstrate a commitment to environmental sustainability may also be viewed more favorably by regulatory bodies, which can result in more favorable treatment.

Access to Funding and Investment Opportunities

Businesses that prioritize sustainability have access to a range of funding and investment opportunities. Investors and lenders are increasingly interested in funding businesses that prioritize sustainability. There is now a range of funding options available specifically for green businesses. For example, the US Small Business Administration offers loans specifically for businesses that invest in renewable energy or implement energy-efficient measures. By committing to sustainability, businesses can take advantage of these funding opportunities and access the capital they need to grow and expand.


The advantages of going green for businesses are substantial and numerous. As consumers continue to demand more eco-friendly goods and services, businesses that fail to adopt sustainable practices risk falling behind their rivals. By opting for green practices, businesses can distinguish themselves in the consumer market and potentially achieve financial and strategic benefits. This way, businesses that prioritize sustainability not only do their part for the environment but also position themselves for long-term success in the contemporary business environment. Going green is, therefore, not only a wise business decision but also an imperative one.

Also Read: 7 Major Advantages of Going Solar



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