Bail Bold Amount

A Hefty or an Affordable Bail Bold Amount – It’s The Judge Who Decides It All 

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Once a person gets arrested, the only way to get out from jail is to opt-in for a bail bond. It will act as the security tool which ensures the judge, that the accused will be a part of court hearings. 

Usually, in the United States, there is a bail regime that gets managed by the judge. And at any time after getting booked, it allows the defendant to submit the bail assigned for the crime. But the person has to remain in jail till such time they get to visit the judge the following day about the bail bond amounts. And the hearing that gets held the following day is usually known as the first hearing appearance. To know more about this, you can check out Apex Bail Bonds in Rockingham County

It is the judge who in this hearing will reduce to raise or lower the bail amount based on several factors. They are:

  1. The criminal history

The judge will check if you have an earlier criminal record while determining the bail amount. Are you a first-time offender? In that case, the judge can create a reduced bail amount. Just in case, the accused have a record of severe crimes, the chances are that the judge will place a high bail bond amount. There is also a chance of them denying the bail. 

  1. The crime nature

The judge’s resort to the bail schedule which shows the amount of bail needed depending on the extremity of your crime. Also, the bail schedules often base their suggestions on the federal and state laws. If the crime is severe, it will get an increasing bail amount. Hence, you will realize that the bail amount you have paid for the felonies are much high compared to the ones for the misdemeanors. 

  1. The community ties

Your community ties will decide the scope of you fleeing right after arrest. Here the judge will aim to know if you are connected with a family. The judge will also try and find out about your employment status. Mostly people with a job and family have less chances to escape. That aside, the judge will also look into the matter of whether or not you contribute for any community development programs. When you come with a clean and good reputation it means that you can be trusted. Here you can get a lower bail. 

  1. Your financial status

The objective of a bail is not to overburden a defendant to pay more. And that is the reason why the judge will check their financial status. If you are financially burdened, chances are that the judge might reduce your bail amount. 

Last but not least, most judges check whether you are of any threat to the public at large. If yes, then they charge you a heavy bail amount and sometimes they don’t grant the bail, if they feel your roaming in public might affect others’ lives and safety. And if you don’t have any threat associated with public security, chances are your bail amount gets reduced. 

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