ActionCOACH: Ushering Businesses towards Success


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The business industry is subjugated by domineering competition. Moreover, it undergoes rapid changes on a regular basis due to the onset of profitable trends and technological advancements. These factors might pose a challenge for budding entrepreneurs and business enthusiasts needing to understand the business world in order to thrive. This is where business coaches come into play. With years of experience, coaches guide you throughout the process of business, starting from setup to establishing and building contacts. They help you take your business to new heights by tackling hindrances and harnessing the latest outcomes. 

Striving to coach every business and spread abundance through business re-education, ActionCOACH has helped businesses attain their goals by maximizing potential. The company employs ‘Coaches’ who invest time working with owners to implement transformational changes. Offering franchises since 1997 ActionCOACH has 1000 coaches in more than 70 countries. The company’s system focuses on business fundamentals causing rapid growth for business owners, building stronger teams, and creating leisure time. 

Pivoting Under Influential Leadership

In 1993, Brad Sugars (CEO & Founder) established ActionCOACH. He created the distinguished category of ‘business coaching.’ Brad was inspired by Jim Rohn, and at an early age used his allowances to purchase tickets to Rohn’s seminars. These seminars continue to influence Brad’s business practices and philosophies. 

Brad is regarded as one of the most influential entrepreneurs internationally. He is also a best-selling author and the #1 business coach in the world. During his career, Brad has helmed a variety of companies. 

Array of Extensive Services

ActionCOACH offers several business-building tools and strategies. The company provides over 17 efficient marketing strategies alongside various events such as weekly roundtable webinars. It offers thousands of pieces of collateral for digital marketing efforts and marketing assets, along with ongoing product development and marketing support. Additionally, the company provides monthly newsletter content and templates to help the market to the database. 

ActionCOACH offers a plethora of services and opportunities to its franchise partners. The company offers services such as a state-of-the-art website, a completely proven and tested business model, full image packaging which includes personalized business cards and stationery for the firms, and many more. The company also offers technical support from its global IT department along with 4 weeks of pre-training (10day intensive classroom training and 60-90days of post-training and business launch support). 

Additionally, the company provides a vault of tested and proven assets to help its franchise build its businesses. It also offers facilities such as ready-made presentation decks, flyers, and handouts for all ActionCOACH signature programs and products delivered by its franchisees. The company provides ample opportunities with complete marketing kits to help launch firms. It also helps build a presence on social media with assistance and best practices for social media setup and ongoing marketing. 

Forging Everlasting Business Relationships

ActionCOACH prioritizes building strong and lasting relationships. It coaches its clients through mindset and challenges which holds them from succeeding. ActionCOACH is built on the premise—“You have to keep learning and keep developing to meet the goals you set forth.” 

The company offers access to several technical aspects helping businesses maintain efficient client management. It offers access to its personal dashboard and customized client portal—powered by Microsoft 365 Dynamics. Moreover, ActionCOACH also provides technical support from its global IT department.

Encompassing Crisis with Proactive Strategies

Prior to the pandemic, ActionCOACH was already operating remotely and offering coaching via virtual platforms. The company focused on continuing with online training programs and enhanced virtual support. It organized its regional and global meetings on virtual platforms to keep the community connected. Anticipating fewer changes in its business models, the company noticed an uptick in the interest in its SuperFIRM model which allows a partner to really dominate a territory.

As resources for businesses grew scarce due to the global pandemic, ActionCOACH instituted proactive campaigns to reach out to struggling businesses. It incorporated offering pro-bono services, free webinars, and a whole host of content including; an E-book, checklist, tips sheets, and information about Government support available. The company focused on providing online training, more virtual support and organized its regional and global meetings keeping the community connected. 

Steering Towards a Promising Future

ActionCOACH covets both passion and desire to help others. The best coaches are those who want to contribute to the communities and impact the lives of business owners. The company recently hosted a global event Biz X which was attended by coaches, clients, vendors, and franchise prospects.

ActionCOACH continues to develop programs such as its Membership program, launching in summer 2021, yet another way to help the company’s franchise partners increase their revenues. The company continues to provide innovation and learning to its employees while listening to its franchise partner as it evolves in the marketplace. With the global vision of “World Abundance through business re-education”, ActionCOACH seeks entrepreneurs who possess the will to grow and strive to develop as leaders.

Why become an ActionCOACH franchise?

  • Changing your life and becoming your own boss by owning your own business
  • Lifestyle benefits such as no 9-5 desk job
  • Scheduling your own business
  • Choosing your own clients
  • A huge support community
  • Ample opportunities for marketing and business development
  • Abundant coaching on establishing firms
  • Resources such as emails and newsletters for digital marketing
  • Technical support from IT Department 

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