
The 6 Best Business Books of All Time

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Interested in discovering what CEOs are reading in 2023? We conducted extensive research, scouring the web for 742 book recommendations from the most prominent CEOs, founders, and entrepreneurs around the globe. Next, we meticulously compiled these recommendations into a comprehensive spreadsheet and sorted them based on frequency. Finally, we present to you the top 6 books for business.

Which Book is Best for Reading for Business: Top 6 Business Books

1. Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business by Gino Wickman

Does your business have a grip on you, or do you have a grip on your business? As entrepreneurs and business leaders, we all face similar frustrations: conflicts with personnel, financial woes, and stunted growth. It often feels like decisions either never get made or fail to be properly implemented once they are made. But fear not, there is a solution. It’s not complex or theoretical. The Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) offers a practical method to help you achieve the business success you’ve always envisioned. Over 2,000 companies have already discovered the power of EOS.

In “Traction,” you will learn the secrets to strengthen the six key components of your business. Discover simple yet powerful ways to run your company that will provide you and your leadership team with greater focus, growth, and enjoyment. Successful companies are applying Traction every day, resulting in profitable and frustration-free businesses. And guess what? You can do it too.

2. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

The key takeaway is this: You have the ability to achieve anything you conceive and believe. Thoughts possess immense power—they can shape your reality. So, it’s crucial to remain focused on your goals and fortify your determination with what Hill refers to as a “definiteness of purpose.” Furthermore, it’s important to persist in the face of inevitable obstacles that may hinder your progress along the way.

Reading is not some kind of emergency measure that is necessary even at moments when business is going downhill. Good business leaders always have a story-reading app, perhaps FictionMe or something similar. They spend time reading and quite a lot. The advantage of novel apps from FictionMe and similar services is that they are always at hand. Whether you have time left on a break or have a long trip ahead, you just need to take out your smartphone and start reading or listening. The application allows you to playbooks.

3. How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Remember, a person’s name is, without a doubt, the sweetest and most significant sound in any language. This book holds as much relevance in today’s digital age as it did back in 1936. While there are countless insights to gain from Carnegie’s timeless best-seller, the paramount one lies in the undeniable power of a smile, the art of attentive listening, and, of course, the ability to make others feel valued.

4. The Dip by Seth Godin

Deciding whether your goal is worth the hassle involves recognizing if you’re facing a temporary setback, also known as the Dip, or if you’re stuck in a Cul-de-Sac, which won’t improve no matter how hard you try. In his book, The Dip, Seth Godin challenges the American idea that quitting is always a bad thing.

He explains that sometimes, quitting can actually lead to winning. This concept doesn’t contradict the pursuit of mastery; instead, it emphasizes the importance of being focused and determined. It’s not about dabbling in different things but rather having the courage to assess your situation and identify the Dip, as Godin calls it.

By the way, if you have something to add, you can publish your book. Why are we talking about this now? Because there is a novel AI prompt that minimizes labor costs. This way, you can share valuable advice with other business leaders, and perhaps make money by selling the book.

5. Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne


One important thing to remember is to avoid solely trying to outperform your competitors. Instead, place your focus on rendering them irrelevant by generating a significant increase in value for both buyers and your own company.

The majority of markets are what we call “red oceans.” These oceans are crimson due to the fierce competition among businesses, each vying for a share of the same limited resources. However, as a reaction to these saturated markets, submarkets have emerged. To truly differentiate yourself from your competitors, you must create what we call a “blue ocean” for your business. This is an opportunity that people eagerly anticipate, one they can’t wait to immerse themselves in.

6. Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

Ayn Rand was a polarizing figure of the 20th century, primarily recognized for her pro-capitalism philosophy known as Objectivism. Her influential work, Atlas Shrugged, serves as her magnum opus, employing fiction to illustrate this philosophy.

The novel portrays a dystopian future in the United States wherein excessive regulations have led to stagnation in the business sector. However, a mysterious engineer by the name of John Galt convinces the producers of society (aka businesspeople) to abandon their enterprises as a form of protest.


What are the four business books to keep? Try to choose such books yourself from the list above. This will be the best solution as you will have a personalized selection.

Also Read: The Ultimate Guide to Promotional Notebooks



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