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How can I make money? What kind of investment can give me a reasonable ROI? These are the questions that run through the mind of the average man. 

The exciting move of getting started in the stock market is just the right method of making your money work for you and not otherwise. The stock market entails various stock trading platforms. Every stock trading platform is unique, and with every broker offering $0 stock, deciding which one to use comes down to differences in the overall trading experience.

However, several newbies in the stock market just want to know how to hurry up and make money; trading the stock market is not a get rich quick scheme. You have to understand the real time charting software which will enable you to increase your odds of succeeding in the markets.

What should you know as a Trader?

The business of trading incurs expenses, losses, risks, taxes, uncertainty, and stress. As a trader, you are a small business owner, and you must do your research, get acquainted with the best charting software for stocks, and strategize to maximize your business’s potential.

Also, you must get acquainted with various Trade ideas charting. An interesting thing is that many people have derived interest in AI Trading Software as they are designed to identify profitable trading opportunities and execute trades on behalf of the user. The AI Stock Trading ideas is presently the most tailored and bespoke trading platforms around for investors of all exposure levels, either you are looking to manage a detailed technical analysis or you are trying to build a strong portfolio for future purpose. The AI stock trading software has features that will help traders see a crystal-clear picture of the most trusted executed strategies to beat the market.

Consider this: if you were to prepare a new recipe, more than likely, you would need to study the recipe manual for a couple of minutes before taking action. The same applies to taking up a new career, you would need to study and pass the professional exam to qualify. Learning to trade demands the same amount of time and study. Therefore, as a trader, you should not be in a hurry to learn in order to have enough time to sift through all the available information on the internet.

Types of Investment Charts

Here are some of the most commonly used kinds of charts:

1. Daily Vs. Weekly Charts

The daily chart is best used after undergoing thorough research. After proper analysis of the daily chart, you will be able to determine the direction of the asset in the current trading session, letting you know whether you are to buy a stock that has been predicted to end the day higher or wait until the closing bell approaches on a stock trending down in the current session. The weekly charts, on the other hand, are beneficial when determining whether to invest in a stock at all. These charts give you an opportunity to invest with a clearer mindset and a higher probability of profitability, thereby helping to weed out the emotion caused by minute-to-minute price movements.

2. Bar Charts

Bar charts are similar to candlestick charts. The top and bottom of each bar represent the high and low prices, while horizontal lines between bars show the prices at which the stock opened and closed each trading period. The bar chart is more advantageous as it reflects price volatility. High volatility means high risk.

3. Candle Stick Charts

These charts give the same information as bar charts but offer it in a better way. Unlike the different vertical lines in a bar chart, the candlestick is made up of rectangular blocks with lines coming out of them on both sides. The line at the upper end signifies the day’s highest trading price. The line at the lower end signifies the day’s lowest trading price. The upper and lower ends signify the current opening and closing prices. 

Candlesticks are much better than bar charts because they give information about volatility throughout the period under consideration. To learn more about the candlestick chart, you can search for the best trade idea charts and ramp up your knowledge of investment charts.

4. Point and Figure Charts 

On these charts, there is no time axis, only a price axis. When the price of a stock closes higher than the previous close, a column of X’s is plotted on the chart, while declines are plotted with columns of O’s. The point and figure charting strategy is one of the best to use in charting software for day trading. This strategy provides a simple, yet disciplined method of identifying current or emerging trends in stock prices. These charts are quite useful and it is essential to learn them if you want to improve your day trading skills. Point and figure charts provide an alternative to traditional candlestick and bar charts. They are not inherently superior, but they can provide critical information confirming price breakouts in bitcoin and altcoins. Traders can confirm their trade aligns with the green Ys in the new column of the point and figure chart.

5. Line Charts

These are, arguably, the most popular charts among investors. When you think of a chart, a line chart is the figure that automatically comes to mind. It has the stock price information on the vertical or y-axis and the corresponding time period on the horizontal or x-axis. 

Furthermore, the line chart is a graphical representation of an asset’s historical price action that connects a series of data points with a continuous line. It is the most basic type of chart used in finance, and it typically only depicts a security’s closing price over time.


Investment charts literally show you what the big investors are doing. Recognizing when a stock is heavily bought or sold enables you to use the information to identify the best time to buy, sell, or hold. or hold on to your stock. You should know that the stock chart is the tool that separates the novice from the market smith.

Metadata: It is all about making profits and getting the price right, but trying to make profits without proper knowledge of investment charts is like trying to build a house without owning the land.

Also read: Understanding market strategy for better investment options with cedar smith



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